Vol 5 Part 12

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(A/N: Thanks for 100 followers)

(3rd Person POV)

Edel stood up, turning around to look at Renata who stood still, letting her daggers fall to her side. They disappeared, as she took a small step towards him.

He stood still as she took another step, before stopping for a moment as she looked to him.

Renata: What now?

Edel stood for a few moments, not saying anything, as he let a single tear roll down his face.

Edel: Does it matter. I've always said you are first over everything.

With that Renata walked towards him faster, and as she reached him she threw her arms around him, as he returned the embrace, contempt to finally be with her again.

Renata: Is t... Is thi...

Renata couldn't articulate her thoughts as she was openly sobbing, a day coming far sooner than she ever thought possible.

Edel: It's real sister. I'm here.

She cried into his chest, trying to pull herself as close to him as possible, wanting to be with him, away from everything.

Renata: I'm so... I'm so sorry... I j... I just wanted t...

Edel: Shh... It's alright. I've forgiven you for everything. I know... Shh baby girl.

Renata turned her head, so that the side of her head rested against his chest.

Renata: What do we do?

Edel: Run away with me. Let's leave them behind, it'll just be the two of us again.

Renata: She'll chase us forever.

Edel: I don't care. I just want to be with my sister again.

Renata pulled away, looking up at him.

Renata: No, we can't do that. I wo...

Edel: I don't care. I just want to be with you again. I want to be a family again.

Renata: I won't allow us to be chased. I'll make sure th...

Edel: Salem will kill everyone.

Renata: No she won't.

Edel: You're deluding yourself.

Renata: No! I'm n...

Edel: Honestly tell me that Salem isn't trying to end her existence. Tell me that all she's doing is trying to kill Ozma rather than summoning the Gods so that they can kill everyone.

Renata: You say that like Ozma's any better. If he wins he'll keep you fighting against the demons of evil. You will replace Edel.

Edel: I would rather you be alive than dead.

Renata: You can't decide my future. 

Edel paused, stepping a few paces away from Renata.

Edel: I don't want to. But, I would much prefer you alive and hate me, then love me, but have died.

Renata: I don't care. You don't get to choose what you think is best for me.

Edel: So... Is that it? After everything?

Renata: I'm not going to take the easy way out.

Edel: This isn't the easy way out. We have no stakes in this fight. Let us walk away, free from this.

Renata: I can't.

Edel: And why not?

Edel reached into his cloak, grabbing his half of the golden amulet that contained half of the power.

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