Vol 4 Part 12

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(Your POV)

You tried to struggle against your invisible restraints but couldn't. As much as you try, you couldn't manage to move your limbs in any way.

Renata: I'm awaiting your answer... I have patience, but there's no reason to delay. There's only one correct answer.

You felt your skin grow hotter and hotter on the parts where she trailed her fingers. They started to sting the longer she left them on, with no escape.

You thought about the choices presented in front of you. If she was anything like Edel, she had power and she wouldn't be afraid to use it.

She had mentioned Ruby, and she was in the middle of Mistral, exposed to all the threats from Grimm, to the new Salem figure. Edel seemed to be following, but was he aiming to hurt or help? Hopefully he would try and help her.

(Y/N): No.

Renata: I must have misunderstood you...

She trailed her nails along your arm, the tips radiating heat as they scratched your arm. She waved her hand and a gust of wind blew off each sleeve of the parka as it fell to the ground.

The cold wind stung your skin as you were exposed to the elements. As she walked around, tracing her nails against you back, you felt the heat contrasting with the blistering cold. You felt the warm liquid run down your back as you grit your teeth.

Renata: You would turn down the generous offer that has been given to you? Salem wants you dead, but I've extended an olive branch to you...

She ran her hand down to your side, before sliding it up your chest and to your face, cupping it in her hand.

Renata: And you deny me...

You finally felt lee-way and ripped away your face from her grasp. However, as you did this you didn't feel her blistering hot nails rip into your skin.

You let out a muffled scream as her nails, obviously touched by fire, had scratched deep into your skin, causing greater pain.

(Y/N): You've given into fear. Who are you to tell me about fear?

Renata: Care to repeat that?

(Y/N): I said that you're a scared little bi...

You didn't feel the pain at first, but it seemed to slowly come at you, like the lake slowly freezing over, as time went on.

You forced your head down and looked at the sword, made of what you assumed was ice, piercing through your gut. You looked up at Renata who was sitting on a throne of ice, a coy smile on her face.

Renata: It seems your parents never taught you manners. But...

She stood up from her throne, as it caught on fire before disappearing without a trace. She stepped closer, her hand outstretched to you. Her hands, cold as you could be, touched over your wound when they started to glow green.

The wound closed over itself, when suddenly the pain became unbearable. It was a thousand times worse than any injury had ever been, worse than being stabbed through the gut with a sword. You screamed in pain, as you felt your eyes close as they became heavier and heavier, harder and harder to keep open.

Renata: You never knew your father or mother, did you?

Suddenly you fell onto the snow, gasping as you hit the ground, unexpectedly. You clutched your gut, and you looked down to see the wound. It was completely healed...

But the pain wasn't.

It felt as bad as ever, worse than before, the process of healing seeming to be worse than anything he thought possible.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now