Vol 6 Part 1

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(Your POV)

The train made its way through a snowy area, and you heard its train horn blaring as it made its way down the tracks. The train zoomed by a mountainside as you looked to the winged Grimm called Manticores, who chased the train. 

One Manticore flew in but was shot down by something out of your vision. You watched as the Manticore rolled along the train before being sliced by Ruby Rose. The Grimm dissolved and Ruby posed with Crescent Rose behind her back.

Ruby: Got him, now who's next?

Two Manticore tried to attack Ruby from behind, but one stopped by large shards of ice that caused it to crash into the mountain, the other zooming stopped by you with a shotgun that you fried into its side, falling off the side of the train, Weiss zooming by the two of you, using her Glyphs.

Weiss: Thank me later!

Weiss proceeded forward and took down two more Manticores, as you met Ruby's gaze.

(Y/N): You could thank me now.

Ruby smiled at you.

Ruby: Focus.

She launched away using Crescent Rose, and you smiled to yourself, reaching down to a hidden pocket you had sewn into your parka, feeling the two rings.

You flipped over a Manticore that had tried to ram into you, swinging your axe into its back, taking you into the air.

You took out the hidden blade, waiting as Blake threw her ribbon at you, you stabbing into the creature as you grabbed onto it, pulling you towards the train as she used Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form to swing into the air.

Blake: Incoming!

She wrapped Gambol Shroud's ribbon around the neck of a Manticore, allowing Yang to punch through it, causing it to dissipate. Yang and Blake landed back on the train, standing next to each other.

Yang: Good to see you're not rusty.

The two proceeded forward as you and Team RWBY continued taking down Manticores. 

(3rd Person POV)

A few train cars down, Jaune, Nora , Ren, as well as Oscar all climbed to the top of the train to join the battle. Oscar ran off towards the front of the train.

Nora: Why is it always something?

Ruby: Just keep it towards the back!

The members of Team JNPR joined the battle, with Jaune using Crocea Mors' shield to block a Manticore's fireball. Nora uses Magnhild's grenade launcher form to shoot a Manticore at point blank range. Ren fired StormFlower. Turrets on the train helped assist the young Huntsmen and Huntresses with taking Grimm out of the sky.

Nora: Ren!

Nora ran forward and Ren grabbed her hand to swing her over to the next train car. She fired off a couple grenades before transforming her weapon into its hammer form and smashing a Manticore in the head.

Nearer to the back of the train, (Y/N) looked up, diving into the nearest break between the cars, yelling something back to the group, as Oscar did the same, many cars ahead.

Oscar: TUNNEL!

Everyone stopped and noticed the tunnel ahead.

Ruby: Go!

Everyone proceeded to get below into the train cars. Weiss almost fell off the train when a Manticore's fireball barely missed her. Ruby caught her by her wrist.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now