Vol 7 Part 1

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(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius grabbed the stalk, pulling it up slightly, the ground slowly breaking. He quickly swung the sickle at the ground, severing the crop from the ground, pulling it out.

He threw it behind him, the crop floating a bit above the ground with them.

He looked up to the sun, wiping the sweat off his brow, before looking to his sister. She was playing with Hana, seeming much more to her old self since the Demonic had been purified from her.

He sighed, looking out to the horizon, in the approximate area where Solitas would be, where (Y/N), Ruby, and the rest would be heading.

He felt arms wrap around him, her head resting against his back as he looked out to scenery.

Renata: You don't have to leave. Isn't this what you wanted? To be away from everything, to leave humanity to their own devices?

Aloysius: And yet that is your dream... Perhaps it is not mine. 

Renata: Well, is it?

Aloysius: I have no wish to exit this fight quickly. I wish to rid the world of evil, to bridge the gap so that I may stab the evil in the back. Your idea was to be done quickly... But our existence would always be in danger... You would be in danger...

He turned to face her, looking down at his sister.

Aloysius: And that is something I will not allow.

(Your POV)

Manta airships patrolled the skies around the City of Atlas, keeping in communication with each other over radio. As Maria piloted the group's stolen Manta toward the city, you received radio contact.

Atlas Air Traffic Female: Manta 5-1. Welcome home. Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay Omega-12. A security team will meet you there. Over.

Ruby and the others aboard Manta 5-1 looked around at the large military air fleet surrounding the kingdom's capital, while you tried to look for patterns.

Ruby: I don't understand. What's happening here?

Qrow: I don't know.

Jaune: But we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas, so I guess we land and get some answers.

Weiss: I'm not so sure. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship, there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. 

(Y/N): They definitely will. He'll want the Relic, and he'll want to interrogate, at the very least me. He doesn't know Ozma's back yet, and is probably trying to act the hero.

Weiss: Regardless, they might even take me back to my father.

Blake gained a saddened look, while Ruby and Yang looked at each other, uncertain of what to do.

Blake: So...

Weiss, having gotten an idea, suddenly looked up.

Weiss: Winter!

Weiss brought out her scroll.

(Y/N): I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Weiss: Why not?

(Y/N): Ironwood wouldn't have anyone surrounding him that wasn't strictly loyal to him. If Winter is still in that position, she most certainly won't help us without Ironwood being in some sort of agreement.

Weiss looked troubled for a moment, before speaking to Maria.

Weiss: Put some distance between us and the fleet.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now