Vol 3 Part 9

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(Your POV)

You sat in Raven's tent, thinking. You would have rather been outside, but there had been lightning nearby. You hadn't heard any since, but didn't want to risk it.

The rain pouring down was almost refreshing. The noise as it fell around you, reminded you of the old days.

Laying under the rain with Neo had become something of an anchor for you. Laying next to someone who had built a bond with, with the relaxing noise of rain had become your retreat.

So as you lay down on the ground, to feel something like that... you felt empty.

Perhaps it wasn't the rain that had been the relaxing part. Perhaps it had been the heartbeat of a person next to you. Someone you cared about, someone that you had learned to place above yourself.

But was that the case anymore?

Neo didn't seem to care much anymore. She had her own clique. People that she chose over you. Even though you knew Ruby and the others, you would have gone with Neo in an instant. She was above everyone else.

But... she didn't.

That combined with Ruby opening up to you in a new way, really affected you. It sort of made it flip. Ruby was now the one you cared about more than others. You had no family to hold you back. Ruby would be the one you would drop everything in an instant for.

Then came the Atlas Knight.

You really wanted to help. Perhaps you were fueling your own insecurities.

Grimm still scared you to this day. You weren't scared of fighting one to the point that you thought they could beat you, you knew you were stronger, better. But...

They took everything from you.

And perhaps that was a good thing.

Without the attack, you may have lived a life that was boring. Just living in southern Solitas wouldn't have given you all of these experiences. You wouldn't have met Neo, Ruby, Edel, Weiss, etc.

You didn't know. Maybe you were glad, maybe not.

Raven: Do you often have conversations with yourself?

(Y/N): Often... I suppose.

Raven: Hmm... Get a blade.

(Y/N): What?

Raven: You will make yourself a blade. A sword, a katana, odachi, whatever. No daggers, no short blades. A proper one. And then I will tell you everything.

(Y/N): That wasn't part of the deal.

Raven: Go.

You knew you wouldn't get anywhere with her. You turned around, storming off. This deal was getting worse and worse all of the time.

(3rd Person POV)

The fairgrounds were in chaos as civilians ran away from the hordes of Grimm. Atlesian Knight-200s were firing at the dark creatures, and a vendor hid behind his booth when a group of Ursai ran past.

Several Nevermores flew across the sky, one holding Roy in its talons. Blake and Weiss were watching in horror at everything going on around them. Civilians continued to flee as Grimm continued to run amok, and a dead Creep on the ground started to dissipate.

Weiss: I don't believe this...

Blake pulled out her Scroll, calling Yang.

Blake: Yang, are you okay?

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now