Vol 4 Part 3

800 17 11

(Your POV)

Old Man: That's an odd story.

You finished the last of the soup, putting the bowl down.

(Y/N): It is odd, but true nonetheless.

The old man nodded, helping you up, as you winced, but managed to stand.

Old Man: So you're an orphan then?

You went to shake your head, you had always brushed that fact off. But it was true, something that you didn't want to remember... Perhaps it would serve you.

You nodded, seeing a look of joy on his face, which was odd, but you put it off for a moment.

Old Man: You can stay here, then.

(Y/N): And where is here?

Old Man: The southern tip of Solitas.

(Y/N): I haven't moved very far then.

Old Man: Are you from Beacon?

That made you pause, and you focused on the man.

(Y/N): No, why would you ask?

He chuckled, using his cane to stand up.

Old Man: Many students that fled Beacon have returned to their homes. I was wondering if you got lost, although...

He looked around the room once more, his eyes settling on your shirt.

Old Man: You had no weapons, so I didn't suspect that.

He held out his cane to you, and you grabbed it, helping to stand on your feet.

Old Man: I have something to show you.

The two of you stepped out of the building as you put the shirt over your head, shivering a bit. The man seemed to notice that and nodded, almost to himself rather than you.

Old Man: I think I have a jacket for you at my place.

You nodded in thanks as he led you through the ruins of a village.

While you thought it was your old village, you couldn't be quite sure. The buildings looked like they could be in the correct place, but it had been long ago, and perhaps your memory didn't serve you so well.

You ducked your end under a fallen beam that had broken off of the building near you, following the path that the old man took.

You stepped around an old fire, the wood still there, but burned in places.

You finally made it to the old man's house, the only one that seemed to be standing. It was broken sure, but had four walls and a roof, a good enough place to stay.

You stepped through the door, immediately feeling warmer without the cold air blowing directly on you.

You looked around the main room, seeing a collection of rocks on the mantelpiece.

(Y/N): Why are these here?

The man turned around, smiling at the sight of the rocks.

Old Man: Oh. My grandson loved to collect rocks. Wherever he went, he seemed to find new ones...

He laughed to himself.

Old Man: It got him into quite a bit of trouble with the Grimm...

He turned, walking through the door on the far side of the room, as you looked around the room, taking in the sights.

You stepped into the bedroom, as the man held a parka to you.

You gratefully took it, and when you put it on, you felt far warmer than you would have expected. You wrapped it around you, and you looked up to see the older man smiling.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now