Vol 7 Part 2

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(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius walked out of the house, a bowl of soup in his hand. 

He made his way over to where Renata lied down, Hana, sleeping in her lap. She was looking up at the stars, all in view with no light, other than torches, to make them harder to see.

He placed the bowl down next to her, before resting himself down, as he looked to the sky too.

Renata: The stars have changed... every so slightly. I've seen them since, but never studied them.

Aloysius: They haven't changed that much. They may have shifted a bit, but not enough to make a world of difference.

Renata turned to face him, shifting onto her side.

Renata: Even the celestial objects will change with time, won't they?

Aloysius: Everything has to burn out and die at some point. Nothing will last forever, no matter what people do to try and change the fact.

The two fell into a silence as they looked up at the stars, looking to the messages that may be in them, the future that may be read in their patterns...

(Your POV)

Ruby gazed out the window of the police airship as it flew over Mantle, then turned and looked at the rest of the group. Nora chewed at the bolas restraining her wrists, while everyone else sat silently, the only sounds being Nora's growling and the muffled chattering of the guards piloting the ship.

Ruby: Where do you think they're taking us?

Qrow: I'm gonna go with jail.

(Y/N): My money's on Atlas Academy. Ironwood will want to have a more personal matter in this...

Jaune: I still can't believe that fishing pole guy took us out like it was nothing.

Weiss: Welcome to Atlas. Those were Ironwood's Ace Operatives.

An unfamiliar man sitting with the group finally spoke up.

Forest: Hmm? You guys had a run-in with the Ace-Ops? Ironwood must really have a bone to pick with you.

Weiss rolled her eyes in response.

Weiss: They're not that big of a deal.

Forest: Not that big of a deal? The Ace-Ops are the elite-of-elite military Huntsmen and Ironwood's personal attack dogs.

(Y/N): Atlesian soldiers are all the same. Huntsmen or not, they'll play by the books, makes it easier to avoid and give them the runaround.

Nora: So they got you too, huh?

Forest: Pfft! I wouldn't let myself get caught by them. I'm here because I've been speaking out against Atlas' exploitation of Mantle, and General Ironwood is trying to silence me.

Pilot: You threw a brick at her ship!

Forest: It's worth it if it gets people talking about our cause!

The pilot sighed in annoyance.

Blake Belladonna: "Our cause"?

Forest: Yes, the fight for better conditions in Mantle! Lead by the charismatic, talented, lovely Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses!

The main pilot pressed a button, causing the window between the cab and the back of the ship to begin slowly closing. Forest noticed this, stood up and began frantically shouting to the window so the guards could hear him.

Forest: They were all top Atlas Academy graduates, who could've signed up for the military, but Robyn and the Huntresses chose to stay in Mantle. She's gunning for a seat on the Kingdom's council, and when she gets it, she's gonna put an end to Ironwood's tyranny!

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now