Vol 3 Part 6

740 13 1

(3rd Person POV)

Cinder: I want to be strong.

A sharp sound suddenly went off, breaking the silence.

Salesman: A beautiful ring... for a beautiful woman.

Woman: I'm sorry?

Cinder: I want to be feared.

The salesman was suddenly surprised.

Salesman: What?

He suddenly heard the sound of running footsteps.

Salesman: Impossible! What did...?

Man: She went that way!

Cinder: I want to be powerful.

Woman: Someone, call the police!

Salesman: How'd she do that?

Suddenly, the darkness gave way to the smirking face of Cinder Fall, seen with shorter hair and a metal version of Midnight with arrows on her back.

Cinder: How did you do that?

The person she spoke to in the abandoned alleyway, cornered against a wall, was revealed to be Emerald. Emerald had a ponytail instead of her usual locks and was wearing a different outfit, missing her usual white top and arm accessories.

Some of the clothes' colors – gloves, pants, even Thief's Respite – were switched for different hues.

She glared at this stranger while glancing around, backing away slowly and not answering. Without warning, she attempted to get her revolvers from their holsters.

Cinder: Don't.

Emerald grimaced before Cinder continued.

Cinder: Unless, of course, you want him to hear you.

Emerald listened, but there was no one. While she thought she would hear people looking for her, she heard no one.

She let go of the grips of her weapons, entertaining Cinder's request.

Emerald: What do you want?

Cinder stepped forward slowly, her glass anklet shifting with each step she took.

Cinder: I've already told you. And I don't like repeating myself.

Emerald: I didn't do anything! Just leave me alone!

Cinder: I know my fair share of liars and thieves. Stealing is an art of patience, coordination, and in a pinch, sleight of hand. But you didn't steal the ring in your pocket.

Emerald looked shocked and checked the pocket where her prize was as Cinder crossed her arms, continuing.

Cinder: You took it right before the jeweler's eyes. And he smiled.

Emerald's surprise turned into suspicion once more.

Emerald: Who are you?

Cinder kept on smiling as the scene fades to black, and the voices return.

A monstrous growl was heard in the background, Cinder's voice the only other sound that broke the silence.

Cinder: You will question everything you know.

Emerald: This is impossible.

There was a sound similar to something vanishing in a puff of smoke, and the growling instantly stopped.

Cinder: I wish to take on an apprentice.

Large Man: He lives in the mountains with his son.

Cinder: Follow me, and you'll never be hungry again.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now