Vol 4 Part 11

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(3rd Person POV)

Ruby woke up, again hearing the voice of Pyrrha, but this time seeing a single tree on a hill. She had no idea what it meant, but didn't waste too much time on it.

She heard sounds of someone breathing heavily, and followed them to see Edel, seeming to be training.

He was without his jacket, wearing only his boots, pants, and gloves. She looked at his body, but he seemed lean, with almost no muscle on his body, quite different from (Y/N) even that long ago.

Edel looked like he had never worked out a day in his life.

He seemed to count something out in his head, before spinning the twin blades, with each time he came down, he put all his power into it, slicing through the grass.

He repeated the exercise, each time getting faster and faster, more powerful than the last. And the odd thing was that he seemed to be getting less and less tired with each time.

However, it seemed he paused at a certain point, each time. Whenever he tried to leap off with his left leg, there was almost a pause as if he was hurting. Ruby looked down to see his leg, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

He turned around, the spear disappearing, a smile on his face.

Edel: Good to see you little rose.

Ruby: Could we uh, speak about (Y/N)? I mean, if it's okay with you.

Edel: Oh, it's no problem at all.

He grabbed his jacket from a nearby tree branch, putting it on. Now Ruby could see that he walked with a limp, the injury being something from his left leg.

Edel: Let's.

Ruby led the way, away from the campsite and into the forest.

Ruby: Sorry, I just wanted to know if he was okay...

Edel: It's quite alright. An understandable question, based off of your relationship the two of you shared.

Ruby: Relationship?

Edel nodded as the pair continued on.

Edel: You are a smart girl, little rose, and know who I really am...

He looked to Ruby who nodded in response.

Edel: I saw the two of you, and over the thousand years that I have walked Remnant, I have learned quite a bit about people. I have listened in on their conversations, learning how people act.

Ruby and Edel remained silent as the two of them walked through the forest, the former watching the scenery as Ruby grew more and more anxious.

Ruby: So is he alright?

Edel closed his eyes, not answering Ruby at first.

Edel: I do not know...

Ruby: But you said...

Edel: I said that I knew where he was, but I do not know his fate.

Ruby: Well where is he then?

Edel: He is in Solitas. He has gone back to his home.

Ruby: Why?

Edel: I have heard rumors that a boy was travelling north from Mistral, a raven commonly seen with him. The sources seemed rather disorderly, but they did in fact contain knowledge that allowed me to find him.

He paused, watching with sadness as Ruby's face gained happiness, something that seemed to be missing since he had last seen her.

Edel: I can't go back there. I am barely on the edge of sanity as it is now, and so the second contract ever made was that I would never return.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now