Vol 3 Part 11

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(Your POV)

You stood across from Vernal, studying her. You remember faintly some sort of weather changing ability, but it felt like a dream, like you weren't controlling yourself.

You remember something of lightning, striking. Could she control lightning? It was a thought, but you should be able to avoid it, as long as you didn't take too much damage beforehand.

You launched yourself backwards as she threw one of her weapons at you. You weren't sure what it was, but from the small look you got at it, it looked ideal for trapping blades or other weapons.

You then used the suit to launch yourself back at her, turning your body to dodge her weapon being thrown again. However this time you had to shoot at her, as she shot at you, the rounds of Dust colliding in the air and blowing you back a bit.

You landed on the ground, firing several rounds at her, to which she blocked them all with her blades.

Your hand felt weird, and you looked down to see that the glove was damaged, a hole torn through the palm.

You quickly picked up a blade to the side, blocking the incoming weapon that she had thrown.

She caught the blade and leapt at you, a smirk on her face. When she swung her blades at you, you rolled out of the way, using the pistols to propel you slightly further.

You were on the defensive. Too much by far. However, there wasn't much that you could do. Your weapons, the daggers that you had were for close range combat, but her weapons and her battle strategy combated that. The objective would be to wait until she made the move, getting into your range.

(3rd Person POV)

The darkened corridor of the Vault under Beacon flashed with glowing lights. Only flashes of green and red illuminated the darkness.

More flashes appeared as Ozpin and Cinder Fall clashed weapons against each other. After a clash, Cinder slid back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summoned ice crystals from the newly-formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin.

Ozpin deflected them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darted forward and delivered a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back.

Cinder then floated mid air by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slammed his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him.

Cinder then unleashed a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him. As he closed in on her, the air seemed to drain from the room, before the bright teal and black light.

With a large boom, both of the combatants were sent back, Ozpin sliding with his cane, while Cinder tumbled back.

In the middle stood Edel, swinging his spear around him.

Edel: The Maiden power... at last.

Cinder: You're a fool if you think you can take it.

Edel smirked, as Ozpin noticed his dark brown eyes, rather than his usual amber ones.

He exploded outwards, green and black fire sending Ozpin and Cinder back.

He stepped forward, raising his hands up as he got ready to fight the two, standing his place as Cinder and Ozpin readied themselves.

Edel turned towards her, running at her as she flipped over him, him turning around and punching forward, before teleporting up above her, sending her into the ground.

She landed near Ozpin, and was about to attack him, when she turned back to Edel, realizing the threat.

Ozpin: Aloysius...

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now