Vol 6 Part 7

507 10 13

(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius stood across from Herz, saying nothing as the older man waited for a response. As the time went on, the general looked at him with confusion.

Herz: Is there a problem?

The idea of serving him was more poisonous than anything. The thought of being subservient to another filled him with disgust.

Aloysius: I think you should leave.

Herz's eyes widened a fraction.

Herz: Are you denying me?

Aloysius: I'd say that's a good guess. Apologies, Herz, but this is not something I want. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding someone else to join your little team. But it won't be me.

Something unpleasant flashes across the general's face.

Herz: Don't make a hasty decision before you've given yourself time to think about it.

Aloysius: Fair enough.

Aloysius cocked his head.

Aloysius: There. I've thought about it. I'm still not interested.

Herz's expression hardened.

Herz: I suppose for someone already lusting after his sister, I'm not surprised you make poor decisions.

The words were like a slip to his face and Aloysius flinched. His father's closest confidant would be told every secret. Or perhaps he'd guessed all on his own.

The cold smile returned to Herz's lips.

Herz: I am curious how long you've felt such an unnatural and shameful desire for her. A year? More than that? Since she was only a child?

Aloysius: Shut your mouth.

Herz: Such pain I see on your face. Does this torment you? You wear such a sullen expression usually, so cold and uninvolved. I've found your true weakness.

Aloysius: You've found nothing of the sort.

Herz: Haven't I? Oh, Aloysius, I know so much more than you do. Shall I tell you another secret about your beloved sister that your father keeps hidden from you?

A storm of emotions swept through Aloysius. He wanted to push the man out of his room and slam the door in his face. But he couldn't. If there was something he needed to know about Renata...

Aloysius: Tell me.

Herz: So polite. So not like your father in that way. He only says what he needs to, when he needs to. That he didn't tell you this makes me curious why he'd keep such a secret, knowing how tortured you are over this.

Aloysius: And now you want to tell me. It shall be your revenge against him for the invasion of the rest of Sanus not going well. He deserves it. So go ahead.

He was silent for so long Aloysius thought he might have changed his mind.

Herz: I am a servant of the God of Light. There was a race of humans before, but an evil sorceress, named Salem, tried to attack the gods. She failed, and they were all killed. She remained, and when the new humans came in, I was reborn as an immortal sorcerer, sent to defeat her.

Aloysius said nothing, try to wrap his head around the situation.

Herz: I used my magic and created a girl, Renata. I would guide her when her magic finally awakened within her. I brought the girl, my daughter, here to be raised as the princess... and as your sister.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now