Vol 4 Part 10

680 11 6

(3rd Person POV)

Aloysius stood at Renata's door, taking a deep breath and then twisted the handle. It wasn't locked. He slowly pushed the door open.

Renata sat on her plush lounge, her legs folded under her, holding the head of a daisy on the palm of her hand. Her concentration on the flower was so complete that she hadn't heard the soft creek of the door.

Suddenly, the bright pink bloom rose from her hand and floated in the air as if suspended by invisible strings.

Aloysius gasped out loud.

The flower dropped to the ground and Renata's startled gaze snapped to where he stood at the open doorway.

Renata: Aloysius.

She stood up, brushing off the front of her skirt. Her expression was tense. She beckoned to him.

Renata: Please come in.

He hesitated only a moment later, pushing the door open all the way as he entered her room.

Renata: Close it.

He did as she asked, and she took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.

Renata: You saw what I just did.

He nodded, his throat tight.

Renata wrung her hands, pacing to her window to look outside. Aloysius continued to wait, afraid to give voice to his racing thoughts.

Finally Renata turned to him, her gaze as fierce as when she'd confronted him about what he'd said to Nic. Still hopelessly confused, Aloysius opened his mouth to demand answers from her, but she walked directly to him and threw her arms around him.

Renata: I haven't been able to tell anyone this secret for fear of what it could mean. I've wanted to tell you for ages, but there's never been the right opportunity.

Aloysius: I'm... not sure what I saw.

He pressed a hand to her back to hold her close while his heart hammered in his chest. A sudden and fierce need to protect her any way he could rose to the surface. It helped to push away his own uncertainty.

Aloysius: You can tell me this secret, Renata. I promise not to tell a soul.

She let out a long, shaky breath and stepped back from his arms to look up into his face.

Renata: It started shortly before my birthday. I found I could do things. Strange things.

Aloysius: Magic.

The word felt foreign on his tongue.

She stared at him for a moment, her fiery and guarded expression turning bleak. Then she nodded.

Renata: I believe so...

She drew a shuddery breath.

Renata: I don't know why. Or how. But I can. And it feels as if it's been inside me my entire life waiting for the right time to emerge. I can do what I did with the flower. I can move things without touching them. I move things... without touching them.

Aloysius took this all in and tried to sort through it in his head.

Aloysius: You're a witch...

He regretted saying it as soon as the words left his mouth. She looked devastated at the possibility. Witches were spawns of evil, unnatural in this world.

Renata: Aloysius, what do I do?

The doctor would want to know this. He'd wanted Aloysius to keep any eye on Renata, and to report back anything unusual he witnessed.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now