Vol 1 Part 5

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(Your POV)

Yang: Blake, (Y/N) did you hear that? What should we do?

In the sky, Ruby was hurtling down towards the ground almost as if she had fallen from a high jumping off point.

Ruby: Heads uuuuuuuup!

(Y/N): Should we catch her?

Just as she was about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune came flying through the air and crashed into Ruby, knocking her off course and sending them both into a tree to where you three were standing.

Ruby: Oohhhh... What was that?

(Y/N): Hey Ruby!

Ruby: Hi (Y/N)!

Suddenly Jaune hanging from a tree branch interjected into the conversation.

Jaune: Eh-hem! Hey, Ruby... Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey, how's it hanging Jaune?

Behind you Yang cracked a smirk and chuckled as you turned back to her. She held out her hand for a fist-bump and you returned it, smiling back at her.

Blake moaned in complaint and pulled Yang away from you.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Before she could continue, several crashing noises were heard in the forest ahead of them, and a beast came out, claws swiping, just as a blast hit it in the back and it crashed to the ground, depositing the annoying girl from the morning.


She rolled off of the creature's back, then got up and groaned, apparently saddened at the death of the creature.

???: Awwww... It's broken.

She dashed onto its neck and observed the carcass as the ninja boy came up behind her.

???: Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again.

Suddenly he looked around trying to find the Nora girl, as she rushed over to the temple ruins. She stared at the golden rook eyeing it up and down.

Nora: Oooohh...

(Y/N): I think you just pick one...

She suddenly grabbed it, and started to dance and sing with the chess piece.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

???: Nora!

Nora stopped dancing with the golden rook on her head. She saluted and then dropped the "relic" into her hand.

Nora: Coming, Ren!

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

(Y/N): Seems like it.

Yang: I...

Yang was interrupted once more as a screech was heard from your right, and Pyrrha came onto the scene as the scorpion creature uprooted entire trees in its chase after her. She narrowly dodged its giant claws and kept on running.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby stood up on the tree branch and looked at the creature below.

Ruby: Whoa!

Ruby ran off of the branch and landed in a roll continuing to run towards the rest of you.

Jaune: Ruby!

(Y/N): I got you Jaune.

You started towards the tree that Jaune was in.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now