Vol 9 Part 4

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(3rd Person POV)

Summer hung her head down, her body heaving up and down as she gasped out for air. The wooden sword in her hand fell out of her grasp, thumping onto the dirt below.

Raven: Pick it up.

Summer tried, but couldn't lift up to her head, to watch her teammate walk up to her. All she could see was the shadow, arms crossed.

She weakly reached out for the weapon, her hands quickly returning to her knees to keep her upright.

She heard footsteps next to her, and the next moment Raven ripped her arms away. Summer immediately collapsed to the ground, her heading into the dirt as she groaned in pain.

Raven: Get up.

Summer let her head fall to the side, towards the cabin. 

He sat in Tai's lap, looking at the picture book, grabbing onto the page of the board book and turning the page.

Summer closed her eyes for a moment, before pushing herself up to her knees, slowly grabbing onto the grip of the blade, before looking up to the figure standing over her.

Raven: Get up.

Summer pushed herself up to her feet, shakily standing up as Raven swung her own training sword at Summer. She lifted her weapon up to block, but was immediately forced back down as soon as they came into contact.

Summer stumbled back, her sword swinging loosely at her side as Raven stared back at her, and then turning her gaze back to the house.

Raven: If he chooses to be a huntsman, how long until he goes to school?

Summer's hands found her knees once more, as she ignored Raven, trying to ignore the burning sensation in her limbs and how light headed she felt.

Raven: How long?

Summer: 16 years.

Raven: Do you want him to live long enough to have that choice?

Summer looked back to the cabin, and then back to Raven. She pushed herself up, standing tall and raising her training sword in front of her.

Raven: You have to at least learn the basics of every weapon until you know what it is. That's your job now.

Raven nodded her head towards the cabin.

Raven: That's your purpose. Everything you do now is for him.

Raven swung her sword once more, but this time, Summer blocked the blow, keeping firm.

Raven: When you were a student at Beacon, your life's meaning might have been a solitary star. As soon as he came into the world, it became a constellation. Shared dreams, laughter, and the boundless joy that comes to you, watching your little star illuminate the darkness.

Raven pulled away and swung again, only for Summer to match her, and then to her left, and the sword was raised to block, then to the right, only for the same outcome to happen. Again and again, every strike was blocked, as each attack came faster and faster.

Eventually, a strike connected the wood crashing against Summer's side, causing her to gasp out. Raven nodded, and reached out for Summer's training sword.

Raven: Go run to the marker and back.

Summer took a deep breath as she handed the sword back, giving one look back at the cabin.

Summer: I think Tai will be a great dad one day.

Raven said nothing as Summer started her run. She carried the swords over to the nearest tree, placing them at the base of it, before casting her gaze to her partner, who was now bouncing the baby boy on his thigh.

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