Vol 6 Part 8

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(3rd Person POV)

Salem: Why do you do this?

Salem looked towards the broken man, the one that had somehow resisted her attempts to control him.

Salem: What do you gain from resisting?

She watched the tar-like substance of the Grimm hold him up, strands holding him up. Several around his feet, his legs, cutting into his sides, entering his wrists, holding him up in the air.

The blood of the Grimm seemed to do nothing. It entered his body, but he resisted, stopping it from taking control of him.

Salem: All you have to do is accept the inevitable.

The man said nothing, hanging his head further down as light hair dropped into his eyes, closing them as he tried to clear his mind.

Salem: Your desires can only be found through me. There is nothing else...

After a few moments, after he said nothing, she sighed, turning, and exiting the room, the room glowing more and more red, glowing a brighter color, the blood growing more red, alongside the black color.

As it continued to pierce through his skin, the blood entered his body, screams coming from the man, ripping at his vocal cords.

(Your POV)

You, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar and Maria were standing outside of the gates to the Atlesian Military base on the island off the coast of Argus. 

Yang put her hands on the bars of the gate to speak to the guards.

Yang: Come on! You didn't even hear us out!

Nubuck Guard 1: Our orders are clear: The Mistral-Atlas border is closed!

Nubuck Guard 2: Please!

Nubuck Guard 1: Have a good day!

Yang: But--

Both Nubuck Guards: A good day!

Qrow: Hey, if you don't wanna believe that I'm friends with Ironwood--

Both Nubuck Guards: General Ironwood!

Qrow: Yeah, General Ironwood, then fine. But look, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely.

Weiss looked down with reluctance upon hearing Qrow say that. The two guards looked to each other before turning their attention back to the group.

Both Nubuck Guards: Approach!

Weiss shared a look with Blake, who just shrugged. Weiss then walked up to the gate and the two guards stepped up and bended down to inspect her. After a moment, both guards stood straight back up.

Both Nubuck Guards: Very well!

Guard Nubuck 2: You may speak with our commanding officer!

Guard Nubuck 1: We will fetch her at once!

The two guards turned around in sync, and chanted "Hup hup hup" and "Atlas Atlas Atlas" as they ran to get their superior.

Blake: They were... kind of--

(Y/N): Insane?

Ruby: Super weird? Uh, yeah.

Maria: Hmm...

Oscar: What's wrong?

Maria: Well, I... may know this commanding officer...

Ruby: That's good, isn't it? If she's your friend, then maybe she'd be more willing to help us.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now