"it was an accident, I promise!"

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Xavier Jordan as Jay Alexander 

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Noah Alessandro as Marc Forne 

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Noah Alessandro as Marc Forne 

Antonio Santiago as Laurence Pele 

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Antonio Santiago as Laurence Pele 

Antonio Santiago as Laurence Pele 

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These are all the new characters appearing in this chapter ⬆



Leo's POV:  (Leonidas's nickname)  

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Leo's POV:  (Leonidas's nickname)  

"you better start speaking or i will keep that mouth of yours shut for good."

i held the hot iron rod closer to his face and hovered it above his mouth. his eyes widened in fear. exactly what i wanted. 

"so what's it going to be? answers or your precious mouth?" 

he shook his head violently "I'll talk! I'll say anything you want!" 

"speak. you know what i want"

"o-our s-system has been f-fiddled with! so even if you wanted information, you wouldn't get it" 

"Boss!" Xavier came in the underground cell we were in running. i nodded for him to continue.

"Our system was hacked!" he released heavy breaths from running 

"WHAT?!" i turned his way "how could this happen? where is Caleb?" 

"he is in the hospital since the last attack, he got injured" 

"what about our entire cyber division?!"

"it was too advanced for them, the only person that would've prevented it was Caleb!" 

"YOU IDIOT! i told you not to tell him, there's more information!" Noah's voice echoed through the underground cell vaults 

he started panting when he reached us and spoke after he caught his breath "They hacked us but they hacked the ultores as well! they leaked all of their information to us" 

"find out who this person was and bring them to me." 

"that's the problem. they erased any tracks of them, they hacked in as an incognito server, we couldn't even find any traces of them" Xavier explained 

"I don't care how long it takes! YOU WILL FIND THEM" i  turned to the captured member of the ultores

"you know what? your mouth has been bothering me."  he screamed as i placed the burning metal rod on his lips. 

i turned to Antonio "finish the job."

i left the room to get ready for my flight to NYC in 3 hours


Aurora's POV: 

i fell asleep in Ayla's arms while she tried to sooth me. 

i just put myself in something much bigger than me or anyone for that matter. 

when i woke up the first thing i did was put a complete barrier for my laptop or any source that may lead them to me. this only works if they are not in my radius, which is NYC. i know I'm safe since the Imperium Empire is in Sicily, Italy.     

"i have to tell you something" Jaxon spoke up

"yeah babe...what is it?" Ayla asked him softly

"i never told you which gang I'm in, because i was scared you would leave me if you knew. now that this happened," he pointed at his laptop "i have to tell you." 

"Jaxon, what do you want to say? you know that i love you,  your gang wont change that. i promised you i would stick by your side." she smiled sadly

he breathed in and out "I'm in the Imperium Empire, I'm part of it. meaning they wont only come for you Rory, but me too" 

i just got the only family i have left in the mess i created. 

i shook my head, wiped my tears and gathered all the strength and courage i have.

"No. we wont let them get to us. i cant let it happen, it was my fault, so I'm going to fix it. i wiped all the traces that may lead them here." 

"well then, all we can do is wait" Jaxon sighed 


 24 hours later

Leo's POV: 

we landed in NYC last night and attended a meeting with the Vipers, the mafia that controls NYC.

it took us 5 hours to finish the meeting and when we did, we went to my mafia's estate and stayed the night. only Xavier, Noah, Antonio and i traveled to NYC. Noah was trying to track the hacker but with no use. 

"I FOUND THEM!" he screamed startling all of us 

"who?" Antonio asked

"the asshole that hacked into our system" 

"track their location and lets kill that son of a bitch"


we tracked the hacker from their IP address that took us ages to find. well, took Noah and the cyber division ages to find. i just sat back and observed. 

it led us to a poor neighborhood in Staten island, to a small house. we reached that location with 20 of my soldiers. we broke down the door and threw a smoke bomb inside, which made all the 3 figures that were in the house to drop unconscious on the floor after inhaling the smoke.

"grab them and put them in the van" 

"Boss, there's 2 girls and 1 guy. He's part of our gang" he said confused 

"my orders are clear." 

"Yes Boss" they continued following my orders 

once they were put in the van we drove off back to the estate. 

20 minutes in the ride and Noah connects his car's speaker device to ours allowing us to speak through the radio system.

"Boss, one of them woke up and is throwing a tantrum" he said while voices in the background where mumbling 

"inject her with some zolpidem tartrate"

the last thing i heard before i cut off the connection was " it was an accident, I promise!" 


I hope you liked this chapter ! 

-Love, Mariecurie023 

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