"He wont ever like you."

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Aurora's POV: 

we reached the lake that's behind the mansion, and i cant even begin to describe how beautiful it is. however, its so huge and I'm supposed to run around it. its literally 5 miles. 

Leo and Luciano do this everyday, but i don't. my only talent is eating chicken nuggets which reminded me of the reason I'm here. 

"go ahead. we'll follow behind you" Leo spoke up

 "FOR THE CHICKEN NUGGETS!" i yelled as i started running.

 i passed by so many animals, from squirrels to tiny frogs. the sun was shining on the lake, and there was a cold breeze that kept me going, the grass crunched under my feet. i ran like my life depended on it. and in this situation, it definitely did. 

Leonidas and Luciano were behind me, not allowing me to rest or take a break, well Leo isn't. but Luciano keeps on telling me to ignore Leo every time he speaks, this is my bestie everyone.

 for 30 minutes I've been running i didn't feel sore or tired. but as my running time reached about an entire hour of running, my abdomen started cramping, it hurt a lot so i paused for a second.

 "If you pause you have to restart again from the start!" i heard Leo yell from behind me.

 i was in pain so i didn't want to go through all of that again, and i have already did 2 miles. i kept running, and my feet and arms ached and my head felt heavy, but i kept going. i kept reminding myself of something my dad used to tell me and chase when he would teach us boxing.

he always said "whenever you feel like the world is crumpling down on you and you cant move forward for whatever reason, imagine that your on a collapsing bridge. the moment you stop, the ground will fall beneath you. but there's also the other end of the bridge, the part were the ground is steady under you. if stop where you are, you wont reach that end. so its your choice, whether you want to stay in your place and let the darkness swallow you, or you want to keep running towards the end with the stable ground." 

so i kept going, staying in the same spot and whining wont help me achieve anything. i kept going till i couldn't feel my body anymore. and that was my mistake.

without a warning my body collapsed. i fell on the ground and crouched my stomach in pain. my eyes were blurry from unshed tears, i could smell the grass under me. i turned my back on the ground, and saw 2 figures standing above me. i heard muffled voices and a painful ringing in my ear. 


i heard a weird beeping sound, like an alarm clock.

 gosh, it was so annoying. i slowly opened my eyes to find the source of the sound. 

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