"NOT my nuggies you asshole!"

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Aurora's POV:

we reached the closest McDonalds which was 10 blocks away. i hopped from the car and took Liam's hand in mine and we ran inside. there was no waiting line so we ran to to the counter and i said "Give me all the chicken nuggets you have!" 

the dude in the cashier was shocked at my sudden outburst.

i heard chase laughing "were sorry, she had to run 5 miles so she can get her nuggets, don't ask why, so give her some nuggets. we'll have 3 big macs and 1 happy meal, and 3 McChickens make one of them spicy." the dude nodded.

we headed towards a pair of tables parallel to each other so we can sit in 2 groups.  

in 10 minutes, our huge order was done and we started eating.

"i mean why did that bitch come back? I'm sure Leo doesn't want to get her mad or pissed of cuz he wants to keep the alliance with her father and he knows for sure she can change that anytime. but isn't he supposed to be the most powerful dude out there..?" Antonio asked no one in particular

"yeah, its just that Leo is clueless when it comes to situations that involve emotions, even if he isn't showing any" chase explained

"if i were Leo, i would've kicked that bitch out the moment she stepped in my property." Xavier said between bites of food

"i mean what made me sad was when she addressed Rosie, her two sons were right there listening. and she had the audacity to disrespect her memory. if that happened to me i wont let the person get away with it unharmed" i said looking at liam who was eating his nuggets while watching SpongeBob on my phone.

"yeah i agree. we have to find a way to knock some sense in Leo's thick skull" Noah said getting a bit dramatic by standing up and acting like its rebellion

"sit your ass back down " Antonio said with a smirk as Noah sat back down 

hold the fuck up.  is there something between those two...?

 i also couldn't but help also notice how Alex and chase were talking, he had his arm around her shoulder and they were looking at each other's eyes like they were hypnotized.

I'm literally the only one that's sitting here single as fuck.

wait at least there's Xavier and Liam still as single as i am.

"rory! look at sandy! she is so pretty" Liam said showing me sandy from SpongeBob

"yeah she is" i laughed

" hey mamacita you looking fine as hell today!" Xavier shouted to a beautiful girl with chocolate sun kissed skin. she turned to him and smiled, he got up and left to talk with her

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