"more than the darkness beyond"

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Aurora's POV: 




the beeping sound was constantly ringing in my ear, all i wanted to do is stop it. my eyes opened slowly wincing from the light above me. i looked around and realized that I'm laying in bed with wires in my arms. i quickly took them off and ran outside of the room to the ground floor where i found everyone sitting in silence

"where's leo-" they all turned to me 

"calm down Rory, please listen" Rosie came closer to me

"how can i calm down? i saw him die in front of my eyes!" 

"were sorry, but we cant explain. we don't even know the whole story" chase put his head in his hands 

"we have to show you..." Alex spoke up

i was too broken to even speak, she stood up and i followed her to a room in the first floor. she opened the door revealing Noah in his bed with Antonio and Xavier sitting with frowns on their faces 

"rory..." Noah looked at me sadly

"Noah are you okay?" i went over to the bed and pulled him close to me

"I'm fine Rory, it was a minor injury. about what happened, its a bit of a long story. let me tell you from the beginning" i nodded

"first, there's a contract signed stating that there are rules that the mafia leaders have to follow or the governments can have immediate control over the world all over again. and one of the rules is that mafias aren't allowed to kill or destroy each other unless harm has been done to both leaders." he explained

"basically, the attack we did would have broken the contracts, unless Leo got harmed too. so we planned to fake his death for at least a few hours after the attack so we can close the case and Leo can get out of it with no charges and the contract stays" 

"we planned that we would give him a dose of tetrodotoxin which causes his his heart rate to slow down extremely making it a near death experience, the chances of him actually dying were so slim. so he accepted..." 

"but what happened what that he got shot before he took the dosage, so he lost a huge amount of blood which" he paused

"Noah. tell me." i urged him

"it put him in an extremely critical condition form the high blood loss and the rate his heart was beating." 

"what the hell does that mean!" 

"he has been in surgery for the past 7 hours.  we are still waiting on the doctors news" i immediately crouched on the ground sobbing. i had no clue whether to be happy he isn't dead or sad because he could die.

i calmed down after a while and we heard the door open, i didn't even look up.

"Ms. Amherst..." i looked up to see the doctor standing at the door.

 i shot up from my place "what is it?" 

"I'm here to inform you, i have some good news and bad news. I'll start with the bad news first. Mr. Gambino has obtained very dangerous injuries that made him lose massive amounts of blood, he had many broken bones from fighting that he didn't seem to realize he had...." 

"continue." i was losing my patience

"Mr. Leonidas Gambino has gotten out of surgery and is well, but he is tired due to the tetrodotoxin injected in his blood stream." 

i put my hands over my face and sobbed happily "he's alive

"can i see him? please" he nodded his head 

"for now lets just keep it down to one person" i followed him to Leo's room

the doctor knocked on the door and entered. we saw Leo laying on his bed sitting up and looking down at his lap. he didn't even notice we came in, the doctor looked nodded then left the room closing the door behind him.  i slowly walked closer to the bed and stood a meter away from it. 

"I'm probably dreaming but its fine" 

he got out of his trance and looked up to see me, his eyes started tearing up and tears ran down his cheeks. 

"Aurora..."  he tried to get up 

"no, its fine stay down" i sat down beside him on the bed

 "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" i wiped the stray tears from his cheeks

"you don't have anything to be sorry about, nothing. you did a great job. we got what we wanted, Romeo is dead, the ultores is destroyed" he put his hand on my cheek, and i rested my hand on it. i looked at his eyes

"i thought i lost you" 

"i promised that i would never leave you. not now not ever" he pulled my face towards his and captured our lips in a kiss, we were so thirsty for each others touch, we didn't even want to pull away for air. he was keeping me alive, his touch, his scent, his voice, his presence, his laugh, his everything. 

we pulled away and looked at each other's eyes, the vast blue sea, like an estuary, where light blue meets dark blue, and the salty sea is synchronized with fresh water. 

at that moment i realized something; The yin yang symbol means that there is a little bit of something in everything. In the good there is bad and the bad there is good. Everything in life has balance.

 that's how me and Leo balance each other out, we are opposites, yet so similar in the same time, he is my light and darkness and i am his

"i love you aurora. i love you so much that the thought of leaving you brings me so much pain, even more pain than this."

"i love you more than the earth and the skies and the darkness beyond our earth. your the part of my soul that i don't want to and cant live without" he smiled and caresses my face

i quietly yawned and he chuckled "i don't even know why I'm tired. ive been asleep for 6 hours"

"come, lets go to sleep, all i want to do is hold you in my arms" he laid back on the bed and i laid beside him, his back was on the bed and i was laying on my right side. i put my hand on top of his chest and he wrapped his uninjured hand around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. he rested his head on top of mine.

we slowly closed our eyes. 

and i fell asleep to the now-so-familiar scent of mint and oak. 

the scent i learned to love and adore. 


"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along."
― Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi

i hope yall got the drill when i kill a character i usually find a way to bring them back

-Love, Mariecurie023 🖤

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