"he's a warrior"

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Aurora's POV:

(6 months and a half later) 

i was laying on the bench in the gym, while eating. recently i have been going where ever Leo is since he's the only one that knows what i feel and want. more specifically what i crave, whether its food or hugs or anything else. i have also been staying around Alex a lot since she's already 8 months pregnant and we both can relate to each other. 

i was eating fries dipped in caramel ice cream, don't ask why, i just craved it. Leo was training with chase, and Alex was using the yoga ball trying to stretch, she says her obstetrician told her to. i just sit back and observe. like Queen Nicki. 

i got up from my seat and headed towards the microphone in the gym, which is only used by Leo to start training or some shit, and said "Nicki Minaj is the queen of rap!"  

everyone stopped what their doing and looked at me confused "i said Nicki. Minaj. is the queen of rap" i repeated

"Yeah damn right she is!" Antonio, Noah, and Alex stood up and clapped 

"she's also my president but lets not piss off Leo cuz he controls the country"  everyone laughed

"ok that's it aurora, get some rest" Leo came towards me and took away the microphone from my hand

"No." i grabbed a box of chicken nuggets

"your acting like a child, now go to bed and sleep"

"I'm preparing you for your children! and I'm not-" i suddenly yawned "tired"

"you definitely are. I'm taking you upstairs" Leo picked me up and carried me bridal style

"for a 7 month pregnant lady, your really light. and your carrying twins" 

2 months ago Leo and i checked for the twins gender and they were like we guessed, a boy and a girl. we settled on the names we picked when we first found out i was pregnant, which are Aurelia and Marcellus. 

"its called metabolism" i said trying to sound smart 

"yeah right, your just piccola e minuscola" he kissed my nose

(Translation: small and tiny)

"yeah? and your grande e alto, come un grattacielo" i tried to mess his hair but he dogged my hand

(Translation: big and tall like a skyscraper)

he chuckled and opened the rooms door and entered. he reached the bed and laid me down then tucking me in.

"so now I'm a child?" 

"yeah, the only thing that's missing is the uncontrollable crying and tantrums" 

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