"History repeats itself."

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Briar Rose's POV:

sometimes i ask myself why i do certain things...

like the time i ate a spoonful of cinnamon

or the time i chose Ivan over Marcellus. 

it wasn't like i had the choice, Marcellus never had time for relationships and i was too attached to him to be sane. so i chose to move on, which was another mistake.

its hurts to think of him with another girl, even though he's not mine and I'm dating another guy. i sound so selfish and jealous when i say that, but believe me, my heart aches so much i don't know how to react.

its like the other day when he mentioned iris being close to him, my mind immediately thought of her in his arms. all i could feel was envy in the pit of my stomach which caused me to say things like 'I've knows him since we were children' or 'are you dating him?'. if i could take it all back i would...

iris is a wonderful girl full of energy and compassion. i was sure of that the day she took both me and Aurelia upstairs and had a talk about how i felt. it made sure of how i felt towards Marcellus. and she promised to support me through it all, even though we only met. 

what i couldn't do was leave Ivan. my attraction to him isn't like my attraction to Marcellus, its weaker. but i cant leave someone who claims they love me because i found someone else to replaced them. however, i used Ivan to replace Marcellus. proving how much of a greedy person i am.

fuck love. it makes me do crazy things. it takes all my sanity away.  it makes my emotions intensify. 

my train of thoughts was broken when my phone buzzed with a text.

Its time. meet us at the base. 

it was Marcellus.

you see, i live with Ivan in an apartment we rented in Sicily near the Gambino estate because he claimed their were 'too many' men around me. i didn't want to cause an argument, so i agreed.

i grabbed my gun and backpack placing it on my back and ran outside to my car. i started the car and made my way towards the Gambino estate. 

it begins now.


i reached the estate and saw the vehicles that will be taking us to Dante's first base set up and ready to move with everyone inside them. i parked my own car and heard Marcellus calling for me.

"Rose! get in!" 

i ran up to the car he was in and jumped inside. to my surprise, he was the only one in the car besides the driver who was separated by a glass window.

"hey" i took the seat across from his since the seats were set up facing each other.

"are you ready?" 

"yeah, are you?"

he smirked "your talking to Marcellus Gambino. i was born ready"

"if you say so" i laughed "so which group am i going with?" 

"with me. your staying by my side the entire time, rose. understood?"

i nodded "aye aye captain celly" i put my hand up in salute 

suddenly the car jolted to a start and i forgot to put my seat belt on, making me fly towards Marcellus and fall on top of him.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to. you know the cars velocity and momentum with the acceleration it pushed me because of gravity and-"

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