"Here's the deal"

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Rose's POV: 

"is everyone ready?!" Marcellus yelled as he ran down the stairs

"calm down your acting like we're going on a field trip" ty groaned

"a field trip to assassinate an asshole!" celly loaded his gun and strapped it to his waistband


"yeah babe?" he walked over to me

"are you sure you want to do this? you've been acting weird lately, its like all you want to do is take over this empire and see bloodshed. it wont be worth it if you lose someone in the process. you have to think rationally"

he sighed "i know rose, i really do. I'm trying my best to protect all of you. but this is what I'm going to do and no one is going to change that. you can stay back home and stay safe out of harms way" 

"marcelly I'm not letting you go fight Dante alone."

"well then, you have to be all in"

"i am all in" i glared at him

"fine then. everyone listen up! the mission starts now. all we need to do is assassinate Dante and save Liam then get out of there! am i clear?!"

"Yes Boss!"

"No pity!"

"No Mercy!"

"No Hesitation" 

"Long live the Imperial Monarchy!" we all chanted

the rise of the imperial monarchy has begun. we are the new generation. we will continue where our parents stopped. 

there's no stopping now. 


we were halfway to Dante's base, when Marcellus spoke up.

"my dad doesnt know we're doing this, he would've stopped me because he would always tell me about their missions and how brutal they were." we didn't comment

"he told me that on one mission, mother was shot and was slowly dying. they couldn't save her because they were injured and the building was gonna explode. he said that she begged them. she begged them not to save her, but to leave so they can live."

"but luck was on their side and Romeo took her as a hostage but she escaped. my mom once told me that on another mission, dad didn't tell her his plan, that he would slow his heart beat to seem like he died, and when he was shot he was dying for real. she explained how she saw him die in her arms. his heart beat was too slow so she thought he died."

"I'm not trying to act like we may not come out of this alive. because we could die. any of us could. and in case anything like that happens, i want you to know that I'm proud to have lived my life with all of you."

"Marcellus your not allowed to die. end of discussion." Aurelia threw a nugget at him

"and if i do? and if any of us do?"

"we wont. none of us will. because we will win. we will get uncle Liam out of there and we will end Dante. no one is allowed to die. if any of you die, I'm going to come to the after life and haunt you and play It's Everyday bro on top of your grave, am i clear?" Aurelia looked around and pointed at all of us

"I'm not dying. i don't want my corpse or ghost to hear that." ty grimaced

"yeah its like if vomit was converted to Mp3 audio" i laughed

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