When the moon met the sea.

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this is completly improvised. i dont know what i'm going to write; just that i want to. 

-please play the video and listen to this while reading if you'd like.

Unknown POV:

He turned her around him, making her twist in a circle, then pulled her back to where she belonged. 

close to him. close to his heart.

he caressed her soft hands as they both glided through the room, flowing like a river. he met her eyes, not breaking eye contact until he put his hands around her waist and pushed her up from the ground, so that she soared above.

a small, throaty laugh escaped him as he soaked in the sight of the love of his life in his arms. she heard his laugh and her smile turned wider.

he slowly brought her back down from cloud nine and tucked her in his heart. she welcomed his embrace and secured her arms, tight, around his torso. the beat of his heart constantly reminding her that this ecstacy was all real. 

he looked down to face her green eyes. she was always so bright, so happy that her eyes almost emitted light. 

she looked up at him, really looked. she took in all his features. from the small blemishes and small scars that ran along his face in various places, to the tips of his cheekbones. she ran her index finger along them. making sure he was real, that this wasnt a dream and she wont wake up on her friend's couch with a laptop on her lap. 

is this real? she kept wondering.

is this real? he kept wondering.

are they for real? i kept wondering.

he swayed her slowly in his arms, swaying like a tree against the wind, swaying to the sound of the music. 

she never appreciated his taste in music till today. she always liked music that would make your body move, and he liked music that would make your soul dance. 

they continued waltzing like that through the years, through the decades.

in that same ballroom in their mansion, or as she likes to call it, their Palace. every year on this same day, at the time where the moon meets the sea, they would flow together in a dance that the stars above become jealous of. wishing that they had legs and arms to dance with, wishing that they had a lover- no, a soulmate- like him who would dance with them like it was their last night together.

those stars were so clueless.

they got to live for thousands of years before losing their light. but these two lovers would only get to live a few decades.

but no matter how much time passed, it was never enough for their love. for their love was vaster than the sea. vaster than the dark void where the stars resided. 

just like time, they must age. they can never be as old as time, no. thats whats sad.

decade after decade, those two danced that same night away till the moon was enveloped in the depth of the sea and rose the next morning as the sun. 

the 5th of january of every year since she was 21, was the night they danced like two breezes clashing together in the midst of autum to become one breeze. they swept the leaves and flowed to the far north and continued ther journey.

decade after another. she turned 51. he turned 53.

they still danced. they still flowed. they still melted in each others arms.


decade after another. she turned 81, he turned 83.

it was like they never aged a day since the first 5th of january they danced in.

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