"Mrs. Gambino" - part 2

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PS. there's gonna be 2 POVs in this chapter


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Leonidas's POV: 

the music started and the door's that lead to the backyard opened and Alex walked through them. i felt chase freeze for a moment beside me. 

"look at your baby momma" i teased him while nudging him with my elbow

"she's the most beautiful person i have seen" he whispered

"it looks like your love struck"

Alex kept walking down the aisle and  slowly reached chase, who immediately grabbed her by her waist and pulled he close to him. he smirked as she smiled at him and he whispered something in her ear making her giggle. 

suddenly i saw from my peripheral vision a white figure at the gardens door. i looked straight and lost my breath when i saw her. she was like an angel walking on this earth. she had the softest smile, she had her arm wrapped with Sam's arms. she kept looking at her neighbors and waving happily at the kids and the elderly as her friends whistled and clapped. she then turned to the other side and looked at the mafia leaders and waved and did the same with everyone she knew. 

she then looked straight at me and covered her mouth as she clearly gasped. she slowly put her hand down and bit her bottom lip nervously making me smirk hard. she slowly reached me and Sam passed her to me. i immediately pulled her close to me and she looked up at me because of the height difference and caressed my jaw. 

the officiant started speaking "Good evening everyone!" he greeted and every one greeted back

he started the ceremony "From this place, we take ourselves out of the usual routines of our daily lives to witness a unique moment in the lives of Leonidas, Aurora, Chase, and Alex. Today they join their lives in the union of marriage." the mafia leaders stood up and cheered 

"To all their guests, they are happy to share this moment with you. They have known most of you for many years. You watched them grow up, you went to school with them, or you worked with them. Because you are the ones who have supported them and known them so well, it is only fitting that you are the ones to share this once-in-a-lifetime moment with them." everyone clapped

"A wedding day is often a day when couples miss family members no longer with them. and for our brides and grooms, there are family members whose memories they hold dear. The years will come and go...you won't take each other for granted, you will laugh a lot, you will be the best parents you can be, you will grow older and wiser together. It's a good story, and the ending is not in sight!" i looked at aurora and saw the tears pooling in her eyes. i quickly wiped any stray tears wanting her to be the happiest person on this day

the officiant started the vows and we stood facing him " We come now to the words the brides and grooms want to hear the most today...the words that take them across the threshold from being engaged to being married. Chase and Alex, Leonidas and Aurora; having heard that it is your intention to be married to each other, I now ask you to declare your marriage vows. Please face each other and hold hands." 

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