"we got each other."

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Marcellus's POV:

i was sitting in my office finishing some files to recruit members back into the mafia. so many people who were once members wanted to rejoin again, others who had relatives that were part of the Imperium empire were also allowed to join. at this point, we had a powerful army. 

i heard a knock at my office's door and it was opened without my permission.

"who do you think you-" i froze in my place

"rose..?" i saw briar rose coming towards me and standing in front of my desk "what are you doing here?" 

"I'm going to join. i want to be a part of your mafia." she stated

"rose you know i cant let you do that, i don't want to risk your life. besides, this is real its not a joke." i walked in front of her and leaned on my desk

she crossed her arms "my father was a mafia leader before he settled down, i know what the mafia life is, Marcellus i want to join. you guys are my family, i want to help you"

i sighed and thought for a bit. i cant help but feel selfish, all i want is for her to be in my arms, beside me at all times. but if she joins the mafia, she could be in danger.

 that's it, i will keep her beside me at all times and protect her, that way we both get what we want, even if she doesnt feel the same way.

"fine. but you have to stay beside me at all times. its for your protection" 

"yes! thank you thank you!" she ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug

i was taken aback for a second, but instantly wrapped my arms around her small figure. her sent literally smelled like roses. 

she pulled away and smiled looking up at me "thank you for trusting me, celly" she used the nickname she gave me when we were younger. it made my heart ache. i knew i would protect this girl with my life.

"i have to go now, Ivan wants to go on a run with his friends, i want to tag along even though he told me not to" she laughed awkwardly

"why would he not want you to come? its only a run..." 

"Ivan has been weird lately, but its probably in my head." she shook it off "bye celly!" 

"bye rose..." she ran out of the office leaving me with my thoughts

my phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket.

"Marcellus Gambino."

"we got the mafia ready. the mission will start soon"  it was Cassian.

"how many members do we have now in Sicily?" 

"more than 10,000 soldiers and ranking members. we've had past experience with all of them, meaning: they can be trusted" 

"is the flight ready? the sooner we get to the Italian base the faster we can get rid of Dante" 

"the jet is going to fly in an hour" 

"are the inner circle members informed and ready?" 

"yes. all of them are ready to go, all we need is for you to get your ass here"

"watch your mouth you asshole. and add briar rose to the inner circle. she's part of the mafia now"

"You sure?" 

"i am. talk to Tiberias and make sure he has everything set in Sicily with his mafia" 

"will do, now goodbye you winged pasta" 

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