"till the very end."

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Aurora's POV: 

i was sitting in our bed and i got bored, so i chose to get up and bother Leo in his office. i made my way there and knocked the door and heard a 'come in'

he looked up from his documents "hey babe" i curled up into a ball on his lap and started playing with his hair.

he chuckled "you really have nothing to do?" 

" Liam is in school and the guys are in training. Rosie is in her book club and Alex is sleeping. so i chose to bother you, because your my favorite" i started tracing shapes with my finger on his hand

"your presence is all i need, your not annoying me principessa" 

"damn it. i just failed my job"

he laughed and lifted my chin with his pointer which made me look straight into his eyes, the deep blue see i fell in love with gazing into. he captured our lips in a soft kiss, and our tongues danced in synchronization.  we pulled away and i rested my head on his warm chest as he continued working.

i felt a bit uncomfortable so i switched my position. i sat in a pretzel position on his lap.

"principessa, what are you doing?"

"I'm just playing around"

he started laughing but we were cut off by his phone ringing, i got up from his lap and leaned on his desk while he answered.

"che cosa?! preparati adesso. stasera finiremo Romeo." 

(Translation: what?! get ready now. tonight we'll finish Romeo.)

i looked at him with worry but he shook his head "its nothing, just work stuff" 

i raised an eyebrow "veramente? leonidas ti sei dimenticato che parlo italiano? tu sei stato quello che mi ha ordinato di impararlo."  he face palmed his forehead

(Translation: really? Leonidas did you forget that i speak Italian? you were the one who ordered me to learn it.) 

"I'm going to make Kamal teach me Arabic so you wont know what I'm saying" Leo mumbled

"i speak Arabic too, try another language"

his eyes widened "i don't know whether to be impressed or pissed."

"both" i chuckled "now back to Romeo." 

he sighed  "your my queen, I'm  not going to keep secrets from you. Romeo attacked 2 of our transport bases. he's been getting out of control. we're going to attack his secret base tonight and finish him for good." 

"I'm coming" 

"No. No your not, don't even think about it. last time you did we almost lost you"  

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