"But im yours..."

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Aurora's POV: 

i felt the sun rays seep through the tent. i opened my eyes slowly to realize that there's strong arms wrapped around my waist. i turned around with the arms still around me and faced leo's beautiful sleeping face. he looked so peaceful, so innocent. not the brutal mafia leader, not the world's most powerful man, no. just Leo. my Leo. 

i started pecking him all over his face, just showering him with kisses. his eyes fluttered open and his blue orbs looked into mine. he softly smiled and spoke with his deep morning voice and thick Italian accent "Buongiorno principessa"

 "good morning" i pushed a piece of stray hair away from his eye

he stretched unwrapping his arms from around my waist. i sat up, wore my shoes, opened the tents zipper and got out. i breathed in fresh air. 

"you know there's a field of dandelions 2 minutes away?" he stood beside me and wrapped his arms from behind resting his chin on my shoulder. 

"can we go there?" 

"yeah, you can go ahead i have a call to make" he kissed me softly

 "wait what day is it?" feeling like i forgot something 

"its the 15th" i gasped 

"what? what is it?" 

"its Liam's birthday"

 he face palmed his forehead "we were all so caught up with everything we forgot his birthday"

 "its fine, we can manage. I'm going to pick some dandelions for him first of all" i got out of the tent heading to the field 

"be careful!" 

"i will!"

 2 minutes later i reached this beautiful field of dandelions.

 it was just an entire field of yellow. i smiled and started picking out some flowers for Liam, he loves flowers. once i had an entire bouquet of dandelions, i sat in between the flowers and looked around, just enjoying mother nature's beauty. a small butterfly fluttered peacefully and landed on the flowers i had in my hand.

 i extended my finger to it and it moved itself onto it. it was such a beautiful creature, so delicate, but the butterfly effect proves how powerful it can be, don't let appearances  deceive you. i heard footsteps behind me 

"even nature loves you"

"it loves you too, come sit down"  he looked hesitant at first but sat down beside me nonetheless. i extended my hand that had the butterfly resting on it towards him. he looked at me confused but then he extended his own hand pointing his index finger. 

the butterfly fluttered around from my finger and landed on his. i looked at Leo and he had the most beautiful smile, it felt so pure making time rewind to when he was a little boy.  

a minute later the butterfly just fluttered away around the field. "mother nature just accepted you, she wants you to stay"

 "that was cool" he looked awestruck 

"it was, now come on we have to get someone's birthday ready" i got up taking the flowers in one hand and Leo's hand in another. we made our way to the tent to pack up. we started packing our things to go back home

 10 minutes later we got in the car, we drove back home. but this time i didn't sleep because we played music. and by we, i mean i did, but Leo occasionally would vibe to some songs..

suddenly i remembered the dandelions i had in my hand, so i played 'Dandelions' by Ruth b.

i started singing the lyrics "And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine!" Leo smirked when he realized i was singing it to him

"'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions, Wishing on every one that you'll be mine

"but i am yours" he smirked 

"but still: 'I think that you are the one for me, 'Cause it gets so hard to breathe, When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free'

a minute later the song ended and Leo stopped holding the wheel and clapped

"Leo! the wheel" 

"your voice is beautiful principessa" he said 

"grazie mia amore" he held my left hand with his right one

"what song do you want next?" 

" 505 by Arctic monkeys!" 

(A.N: if you've never heard of it before, you can ⬆ play it if you want!)

"of course you would"

505 started playing and i started jamming to it.

i started singing and then a part came up and Leo looked at me with a smirk

he started singing too "Stop and wait a sec. Oh, when you look at me like that, my darling. What did you expect? I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck, Or I did last time I checked

"you sang that on purpose didn't you!" he nodded

"I'm going back to 505! If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive. in my imagination you're waitin', lyin' on your side. With your hands between your thighs and a smile!" he kissed my hand and we both laughed

"i adore you do you know that?" 

"i do, and i love you even more" 


Hello there!

we still have that Romeo bitch to deal with💀🔪

-Love, Mariecurie023 💕

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