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Cassian's POV:

"when do you think you'll be back?" 

"by the end of the day, she said she's taking me to her favorite places in Sicily"

Marcellus huffed and rolled over on the hospital bed till he was facing away from me

"calm down, you have ty to help you with your work"  

"ty is with Lia. i swear if you don't come back at night I'll make you do all the documents on your own"

"just ask your dad to help you"

"are you deficient?? dad would make my life miserable the moment he knows I've been stalling"

"I'm gonna be late, get rose and whine to her. see you later" i rushed out of the hospital room 

but not before hearing Marcellus yell "You look desperate!"

 i chuckled to myself and reached my car. i started it and drove towards the location Arabella gave me. i drove for 30 minutes till i reached the store she asked me to go to. this store happened to be a vintage store with all sorts of weird things, but it had a homey aura to it.

"Cassian!" i looked to my right to see Arabella walking up to me

"Hey-" she unexpectedly wrapped her arms around my torso and embraced me 

"oh sorry...i thought-"

"its fine, don't worry. what do you have planned for us?" i asked changing the subject

"first, we can go to this store and check it out, then we can go to an amusement park, and later we can eat" she smiled as she took my hand and rushed me into the store

"why do you like this junkyard?" i grimaced at the lack of sunlight because of the stacks of rubbish

"its not a junkyard, just look closely and you may find something you like" she walked around the store 

i walked around purposely not paying the objects attention until something shiny caught my attention. i walked towards it and picked it up realizing that it was a leather bracelet with a metal sword embedded on it.

"see? you found something" Arabella walked up to me "look, it has a twin" she picked up a similar bracelet that had the same leather band and embedded sword but had a more feminine touch to it.

"I'll get this one and you get that, for memories" she smiled softly as i gazed into her hazel eyes

"come on, we have a long day ahead" she took my hand again and walked up to the cashier to pay 

"hey listen i think i forgot my phone in my car, can you please get it? i was expecting an important call" i tried making her leave the store so i can pay for both of our things

"okay i guess?" she giggled and left to get my phone which was not in my car, but in pocket.

i paid for the bracelets and left the store, realizing that Bella was still searching for m phone.

"Cas, i cant find it!" she walked up to me

"sorry it must've been in my pocket the whole time" i rubbed the back of my neck

"in your pocket...?" 

"i still bought these" i smirked as i lifted up the bags that had the bracelets

"You tricked me!" her eyes widened

"not precisely..."

"Cas!" she walked up to me and hit me playfully and i hunched over laughing 

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