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"There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop the story."

― Frank Herbert


10 Years Later:- 

Third person POV:

life is like a book, and i guess this is the last chapter....

Aurora, Leonidas, Marcellus, and Aurelia Gambino. 

they stood there, all 4 of them, smiling. smiling at the house they learned to love, the house they lived in for over 10 years. the memories they had inside the house, their family, their friends, all of it. 

its a new start for them, a new beginning. 

"ready guys?" Aurora asked her family, her most prized possession, her happiness. 

"yeah!" Aurelia jumped around, excited for their new beginning. 

"what about you marcelly?" 

he shrugged "as long as there is chicken nuggets where we're going"

"of course there is, do you think your mom would've accepted if there wasn't any?" Leonidas ruffled his son's hair

"who's ready to move bitches!" their aunt, Alex, said as her husband, chase, carried their only child on his back. 

"Alex! No swearing!" aurora closed her children's ears

"come on! Leo swears everyday" Alex complained

"where's Rosie and Liam?" Leo asked

"Liam is walking around the house, he's a bit emotional, didn't want to leave it" chase replied "Rosie is sitting in her husbands study, she wants to say goodbye for the last time" 

The Gambinos and Armrests are starting a new life. a year ago, their family was endangered and was on the brink of death, they were all almost killed in a car crash. That accident didn't harm them, they came out of it safe and sound, but what changed was the way they saw the world around them because he realized how fast he could lose his family; in a blink of an eye.

Leonidas realized that the power he possessed will only cause destruction and harm, if not to them, to innocent people. he realized that his Mafia empire, which took decades to build, must come to an end soon. He didn't want his children to grow up the way he did, he wanted them to grow up like their mother did. In a happy family. so he took the decision to Give back control of the world back to its governments. whether they chose to built the world and prosper it, or destroy it even more, is their choice. 

He didn't want to cause any harm to his Family, to the love of his life, to his principessa, to his queen. so they agreed to start over, he is now the CEO of the company his dad used to cover up all his Mafia deals, except now its just for the sake of business. Yes, they are as wealthy as they were, the money never left, but from now on, it wont be money with blood stains on it. 

Aurora was shocked when he told her the news, but she was even more excited. she wanted to raise her children in her city, New York. and because Leo loves her more than everything, he accepted. they are currently moving from Sicily, Italy, to New York, in the United States. 

"we're here!" Liam and Rosie descended the stairs of their mansion.

"everyone's ready?" Leonidas asked as they started getting in the cars

"yeah!" all three of the kids yelled 

"i want to sit in the front seat" Aurelia complained

"No! I'm older" Cassian argued

"By 1 year!" Marcellus snapped

"I'm going to tell Tiberius!" Aurelia huffed

"what is he going to do huh?" Cassian teased

"he's a year older than you! he's going to beat your butt, he told me if anyone tries to hurt you tell me and i will beat them up!" Cassian glared at her

Tiberius is Xavier and Shantelle's son, he is adopted since Shantelle is diagnosed with infertility. they  moved to New York a week before the Gambinos, and so did the rest of the mafia, that's what they call themselves now. the closest group to the Gambinos; Antonio, Noah, Xavier, Ayla, Jaxon, Shantelle, and the past mafia leaders, are referred to 'The mafia'.

"Calm down kids, the trip is short were only going to the jet, then you can pick any seat in the plane" aurora interfered causing them to agree 

"are you ready for the new start?" their grandmother, Rosie, asked excitedly

"YES!" all 3 of the kids yelled which caused everyone to laugh

"can we stop in McDonalds and get the food with us to the plane?" 18 year old Liam asked his brother

"yeah sure buddy" Leonidas replied, he still calls him that, and still calls aurora principessa. 

the names just stuck around. 

Leonidas realized that from now on, they will live a normal life, and wont have to feel danger every time they leave the house from any rival mafia due to the worldwide protection they are getting from the governments in exchange of them giving up the mafia, and the fact that all gangs and mafias are being eliminated.

 He also realized that this normal life wouldn't have been achieved if aurora didn't hack into the Mafia King's system.

they started driving the cars and headed towards the plane which would take them to the starting point of their new life. 

the Mafia King and his Queen. their prince and princess. their Grandmother, uncles and aunt. 

and that marked the end of the Imperium Empire, and the start of a new empire they will choose to build with their morals, hard work, and kindness.

This was the story of Aurora Amherst and Leonidas Gambino.

A story in which an angel loves a devil. where a beauty loves a beast. an angel without wings, a devil with no horns. 

they learned that the world isn't split into good and bad or black and white. its all shades of grey; darker and lighter shades, a mix of both evil and good. and the one that overpowers the other is what is apparent to the rest of the world. 


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I'm going to miss all of you, my family: the nuggies.

Thank you for everything. Thank you for over 2.9 million in less than 4 months!!

-Love, Mariecurie023, The Author Of The Mafia King.

My tiktok: @bbyrhf 💛

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