"he's gonna pay"

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Leo's POV:

its been a week. since I've last seen the love of my life. since I've last heard her voice. smelled her beautiful scent. kissed her soft lips. pulled her close to me. and 1 week since I've lost her. my life started crumbling from that moment on.

 2 days after the mission, i woke up in a hospital. i survived the explosion and my wounds have healed since. but one wound wont heal. 

today is her funeral. and since the body was destroyed in the explosion, we had to bury an empty casket. i wore the same suit i wore to the ball, the same suit i danced with her in. i wore dark sunglasses and headed outside of the room.

i saw my mom holding Liam's hand as he sniffled.

"hey buddy" i looked at him with my bloodshot eyes, from the lack of sleep and constant tears.

"she cant go, i don't want her to go" i pulled him towards me.

"she's not gone. she will always be with us. i know it hurts, but she would want us to stay strong" he nodded his head

"come on, we don't want to be late"  i held my mothers waist and held Liam's hand.

we got in our car, and we started the parade. it was even bigger than my parents funeral parade. she was and will always be the love of my life. she deserves it. she deserved the world

i didn't even talk to anyone but Liam and my mother. it broke me, Liam's reaction, when i told him. he fainted, he couldn't handle the news. my mom cried all week.

chase has never been the same. he is always in his room, and the only person he talks to is Alex,  its because Rory asked him to. 

Yasmine had to go to the hospital from the sudden shock from the news. she and Kamal chose to name their daughter after aurora. there has been search parties all over the country searching for Romeo, but to no avail. we couldn't find him. but he's gonna pay.

we reached the graveyard. were the funeral is held. there were guards surrounding the entire perimeter. the casket was empty. all we had in it was aurora's most prized belongings.

we sat in the seats as we started the ceremony. the entire mafia was numb. her death took a huge toll on us. when she left she took a part of our soul with her.

i cant help but realize, its my fault. if i made sure she stayed home, she would be alive. if i protected her like i promised i would, she would be alive. its my fault she's dead, and I'm never going to forgive myself for it.

"can her family come up and say a few words?"

chase got up first.

he stayed silent for a minute then said

 "aurora. my younger sister. for the good part of this year, i thought she was dead, i thought i lost the only family i had left, and i believed that lie because of the ultores. they took her away from me then, and they did it again now. if Rory was here she wouldn't let us sit here and mourn, she would want us to fight. but she's not here." he inhaled slowly 

"i lost my sister a week ago, and till the last moment she told me to find happiness. the amount of kindness and selflessness she had is astonishing. i don't know how I'm going to cope without her, but what i know is that I'll never be the same without her." he wiped a stray tear

Ayla came up next " i don't know why I'm here. i don't even know what to say, i still don't believe it. we were supposed to be each other's bridesmaids and travel the world. she cant leave me here alone." she put her face in her hands as Jaxon helped her down

my mom went up to the podium "all my life, i knew that death is a normal thing in the mafia. but today, i cant accept it. aurora was the one who risked her life to save me, she saved both my sons, she brought happiness in our house. she was the daughter i never had, she would call me 'mamma' and it warmed my heart. but now i wont hear her soft voice anymore, i wont hear her fights with Leo about nuggets, i wont see her going with Liam to the garden. i lost another part of me" she shook her head and descended the from the podium 

it was my turn.

"my entire life, i saw love as a weakness, my entire life i never thought i would feel love. and one day she came into my life, she just entered it. i didn't know it then, but she came in it to change it to the better. she was the happiness in my life. she was the one that saved me. she brought back my mother, she taught me what it is like to love, she showed us so much kindness, so much happiness, and now we've lost it all." i felt my heart wince in pain from her memory 

 "i remember one day, Liam fell off the swing and cried, she came up to him and said don't let anyone take your yellow, your happiness, or your joy. not even yourself. so you have to be strong through the tough times to smile again. i didn't realize it till now, but this message was meant for us indirectly. we have to stay strong for her. the ultores are gonna pay. Romeo is  gonna pay for taking the love of my life away from me." 

no matter what it costs.


um so....hi!  

hakuna matata? 

-Love,Mariecurie023 💛

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