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This is the begging of the Imperial Monarchy. 



[10 years after the last chapter]

Aurelia's POV: 

"idiota! papà sarà così arrabbiato" 

(translation: you idiot! dad will be so angry)

"he doesnt have to know Aurelia" Marcellus smirked as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"you promised him you wont get another tattoo! your back has literal wings on it now!" 

"but you cant deny how good they look. besides, Briar rose would love them" he started wearing his shirt 

"you know she's in a relationship right?" i leaned against the bathrooms door frame

"don't remind me of that fucker, i would kill him if i could" he ran a hand through his hair

"you promised dad you wouldn't do reckless things either!" 

"I'm 25 for god's sake. i don't need him to tell me what to do" he ran out of the bathroom frustrated

"he's just looking out for you, he doesnt want you to get in trouble. i cant run the entire company on my own!" 

"fine! I'm leaving, i need to go for a run-" 

Marcellus's phone rang and he picked it up to answer "Marcellus Gambino."

his eyes turned wide and a shocked expression was plastered on his face.

"were coming now. make sure nothing happens to him" he closed the phone

"what is it?" i asked genuinely confused

"its uncle Liam. he's been shot." he ran outside the room with me in tow


"i don't have time to explain! he's in surgery but he's in critical condition. he could die" we reached the elevator which took us to the parking lot in the basement floor of our building.

we both got in marcelly's car and drove off to the hospital.

you see, when my brother and i turned 18, my father and mother handed over their company to us making us the youngest billionaires in NYC. my grandmother, Rosie, passed away a year before that, and my parents enter a depressed state because of how much they loved her. i remember the day she was sick on her hospital bed before she died; she reminded me how much she loved us and made me promise to protect my family no matter what the cost.

family will always be there for you, don't give up on them even if the world is burning. promise me bambina?

i promise.

since then, my dad and mother lived with uncle chase and aunt Alex in our family home while marcelly, Cassian and i moved in a building we owned and started living there. its a luxurious building with certain floors that only the biggest businessmen and women can rent, but its mostly the center of our business's operations. 

another thing you should know is that my uncle, Liam, has been getting into a lot of trouble with shady organizations. all we know is that a man related to my granddad's murder was targeting him, wanting to kill him to get back at my dad for killing Romeo. because my dad and mom have the world government's ultimate protection, he chose to target the person closest to him, which is uncle Liam.

Tiberias was the one who informed me about this, since he has been working with many of these organizations, but he still doesnt want to tell me what his job is. all he tells me is that he will always protect me, and if someone thinks of harming me, they will regret the day they were born. every time he does, i remind him to not do something reckless and get himself into a mess he cant get out of. he just shrugs it off and says its his 'job' to get into 'messes'.

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