"We have fiancés now!"

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Aurora's POV: 

i was sitting on the kitchen stool while Rosie was making coffee and Alex was reading beside me. 

"Rory..." Alex spoke up

"hey, what's up?" i drank from my cup of water 

"chase proposed last night" i spit out the water that i was about to drink, i started coughing.

when i caught my breath i hugged her tight "Holy shit! I'm so happy for you, I'm gonna have a sister in law! and a nephew" 

she laughed and got off her chair and hugged me back "I'm so glad were going to be family" we sat back down and she drank some water and i spoke up.

"Leo proposed last night" she spit out the water she was drinking

"Rory! this is amazing! you guys are perfect i have never seen him attracted to someone like he is to you" she hugged me and we laughed

"why is there water all over the place?" Rosie said as she got out of her trance of cooking  

"We have fiancés now!" both Alex and i showed her our rings

she gasped and put a hand over her mouth "Leo! I'm going to get you! why didn't you tell your mother! i could've helped you stupido" she ran towards Leo's office 

"lets pray for him" 


20 minutes later Rosie came down from Leo's office and sits down like nothing happened. Alex and i looked at each other 

 "well, what happened?" 

"oh, nothing. i just made Leo promise that i will help in the wedding preparations" she smirked and we tried to hide our laugh

"Leo is probably traumatized now" i started thinking about the lecture he got 

"speaking of which. here's a dress catalogue, i want you to pick the ones you like the most" Rosie passed us a book

"both? even me?" Alex asked confused

"yes you too! your my daughter and you cant tell me no" Rosie demanded 

Alex smiled and held Rosie's hands in hers across the table, Alex was on the brink of tears and I'll tell you why. Alex has been an orphan since she was an infant, her birth parents placed her in front of an orphanage and she has been taken from foster home to another all over the country, and when the the mafia's took over the governments, she chose to join Leo's mafia when it was the strongest one in Sicily, not in the world yet. and now, she is a member of the world's strongest mafia. 

"of course, i would be honored" 

we looked around the catalogue and liked a lot of them. as we discussed with Rosie which designs we liked, Leo, Chase, and the guys came down to train. Leo came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"hey principessa" 

"hey baby" i caressed his face and smiled

"we're going to train now, we'll finish in 4 hours" i hummed an 'ok'

i smirked at him and whispered "so, you knew about them?" i asked looking over at chase who has Alex leaning on his back while talking to the guys with his hand over her stomach and caressing it.

he smirked back "yeah, chase told me he wanted Alex to tell you"

"yeah, i get it he didn't know how i would react. but honestly, him and Alex are made for each other. I'm going to be an aunt Leo! "

"yeah, I'm going to be an uncle too, did you forget that chase is my brother too?" he laughed and i pecked his cheek

they soon left for training as Alex, Rosie and i finished out all the choices for decoration and arrangements, since we don't have a huge family we didn't have to stress about about inviting people, Rosie had that job, Leo's Italian relatives are a lot.

"so we're going to do our weddings on the same day, right?" i asked and alex nodded, i smiled and side hugged her

"i took your designs and luckily they are similar so I'm going to send them to the wedding organizers i worked with before and they will do their magic. so its going to be on April 10th? or April 29th?" Rosie asked

"honestly i don't mind, Rory you can chose" Alex said as i realized something

April 29th, the day i hacked into Leo's system. the same day i met Leo, the same day i found my brother, the same day my new life started.


"ok then. but why?" Rosie asked curiously

"its the day i met Leo" i smiled softly as their eyes widened as they gasped

"No Way! how do you remember?" Alex asked

"i wrote a note on that same day telling myself that i need to clean up my room" 

this is my family.

and i love them with all my heart.

i couldn't have asked for better.


i hope you like it so far!

-Love, Mariecuroe023 🦋

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