"im coming."

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2 weeks later 

Aurora's POV:

its been 2 weeks. 

2 weeks since i fought with Leo. 2 weeks since i forgave him. 2 weeks since i last talked to him.

i got out of Alex's room, which i have also been using for the past 2 weeks. i  already used the bathroom and got ready. there was commotion coming from downstairs, so i decided to head to the source of the sound.

i gasped happily "YASMIN!" i ran up to her and hugged her

"اشأتلك كتير!" she laughed 

(Translation: i missed you so much!)

"me too! how is the little princess?"

"she's good! she's been kicking a lot"  

"Who missed us bitches!" i turned to see Victoria and Amelia coming towards us

i ran up to then and hugged them, Yasmin joined the group hug "i missed you guys so much!" 

"we missed you more!" Amelia said as we pulled away

"wait...why did you suddenly come? not that i don't want you to be here" 

"oh, you don't know? about the mission?" Victoria asked and i shook my head 'no'

"they are going on a mission to retrieve documents from the ultores" Amelia answered

"who's going?" 

"all 6 mafias" Yasmin answered

"what?!" i gasped

"i need to find chase. i cant stay here while he's going to fight" 

"Rory calm down there are 6 mafias with him" Victoria tried to stop me

"this isn't about the mafias, its about my brother going to fight. i have to fight beside him. they kidnapped me remember? i have the right to fight them" i ran to the meeting hall

i barged in ignoring all the stares and headed towards chase "when were you going to tell me chase?! after you left?" 

"calm down Rory, i was gonna wake you up and tell you" he put his hands up in surrender

"I'm not gonna stay here. I'm coming with you, i wont let you fight alone. " 

"no your not." i turned around to see Leo getting up from his chair at the head of the table

"i don't care, I'm coming. they literally kidnapped me i have the right to fight them!"

"my word is final! your going to stay here" he retorted 

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