"it's for the better."

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Cassian's POV: 

while everyone took a car to our base, i made my way to an old friend who plays an important role in our mission tomorrow. 

i got down from the car and walked up to his house then rang the door bell.

"who is it?" a female's voice answered

"Cassian Amherst. I'm here to see Marco Santiago" 

she was silent for a moment then i heard the house's gate open. i got in and was met with the girl I'm guessing answered the door.

"my name's Arabella" she extended her hand which i shook


"Marco is in the study." she pointed towards the way

i nodded and walked past her into the study which Marco was sitting in. Marco is an old friend of my dad who he worked with multiple times in the past, he was one of uncle Leo's most loyal members and he was pretty ancient. 

"Cassian, my boy. how is life treating you?" he got up from his seat and embraced me 

"I'm doing fine, how are you?" 

"as well as i can be. i bet your here for the coordinates?" 

"yes, we need them to track Dante and his mafia. he has to be stopped"

"very well, it will take time for them to process, would you like some tea while you wait? maybe some wine?" 

"its 7 in the morning..."

he laughed and got up to get some tea "you've met Bella i see?"

"yeah, who is she to you?" 

"a neighbor that comes once in a  while to take care of me, such a wonderful girl. so sad, she lost her parents at a young age."

"you don't have to tell my life story to strangers..." Arabella walked in the room and helped Marco make some tea

"Oh no, Cassian is not a stranger. he's a wonderful and strong young man. you should get to know each other, you both have plenty of similarities" 

"if he doesnt read then I'll pass" she said and i smirked hard

"lucky for you Bella, he does read." Marcos laughed. they walked over and sat across from me with the tea sitting on the table

"strong and intelligent, what else is there to you?" she smiled

"I'm originally from New York but i just moved back here today" 

"moved back?" she asked

"i was born in Sicily, but i moved with my family when i was 10"

"so you haven't got to see Sicily?" she asked and i shook my head "i think i can help with that, if you'd like of course"

i smiled at her "what do you have in mind?"

"i can take you to my favorite places in Sicily, so you can get to remember its beauty"  

a beeping sound started coming from Marco's printer, so he got up and grabbed the finished printed papers.

"here you go by boy, the coordinates. use them carefully. no one knows about them" i took them from and thanked him

before i left the house i made sure to tell Arabella one last thing "I'm up for the adventure, take my number from Marco and text me the place and time" she smiled and nodded

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