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*Aiden’s p.o.v*

I felt the bullet hit me, I fell to the ground. It was getting harder to breath.

Lillie crawled over to me and immediately saw the wound, she ripped the bottom of her shirt and pressed it to the wound making me wince in pain. She continued to stare at the bloody mess of my top.

‘Beautiful….look at me.’ I staggered needing to get her attention away from the wound.

She looked up at me her eyes were glazed with more tears as others rolled down her cheeks, I wish I was in a state to comfort her right now. I hate seeing her sad.

'You're gonna be alright Lils, I love you.' I said the pain getting the better off me.

'No don't you dare say goodbye, you're going to live!' She sobbed.

I could feel myself slowly slipping consciousness only just able to hear the sirens.

'See they are coming it's going to be alright.' She tried to assure me as well as herself. I moved my hands over her blood covered ones that were still on the wound, it was the closest I could get to holding her hand.

'I'm sorry.' I whispered before closing his eyes. The pain and effect of blood loss taking over me, making me feel completely numb.

'You can't leave me and our baby!' Lillie then cried.

I was going to be a dad?! Excitement filled what was left of my conscious self before I slipped into darkness.

*Lillie’s p.o.v*

The medics moved me out the way once they arrived, Dad is currently restraining me as I keep trying to get to Aiden.

They loaded him up into the ambulance and drove away.

The wait was awful, it seems like forever when only a few minutes have past. The wait to know whether he was dead or alive.

5 gruelling hours later they let me see him, I nervously walked into the room. To see him sat up slightly eyes wide open made me sigh in relief.

'Hello beautiful.' He grinned shuffling over so I could sit next to him.

I climbed into the bed next to him cuddling into his side.

‘I thought I’d lost you.’ I admitted.

‘I’m sorry for scaring you.’ He replied kissing my head.

‘It wasn’t your fault and thank you for saving me.’ I said.

‘I’ll always protect you.’ He smiled.

We stayed silent for a while, my head snapped up to Aiden as he moved his hand over my stomach.

‘Are we really going to be parents?’ He asked sounding excited. I nodded in reply.

‘What!?’ Dad exclaimed from the doorway.

He left the room, I jumped up and followed after him.

‘You can’t seriously be mad at me?’ I called after him making him stop and turn around.

‘Of course I can, you’re 18 you have your whole life ahead of you, you don’t need to be weighed down by a baby!’ He yelled.

‘You can hardly talk, you and mum were 18 when you had me! Is that all I am too you, a weight who is bringing you down!?’ I shouted back.

‘You would never be able to handle a baby, you can’t even look after yourself!’ He retorted.

‘I can look after myself, cause last time I checked you aren’t the one who only just escaped with their life while being held hostage for 6 years.’ I protested.

‘Nothing happened to you then!’ He claimed.

‘Stop thinking you know everything because you don’t, you know nothing, absolutely nothing!’ I screamed before turning on my heel and walking away.

‘Doing what you always do running away!’ He called after me.

‘I’ve never ran away from anything, Mum was the one who ran not me!’ I ended the conversation as I closed Aiden’s hospital room door.

Well that’s not how I wanted my parents finding out to go, but then again when does life ever go to plan?


Aiden’s alive :D Nath’s just found out about Lillie being pregnant, but didn’t take it too well, uh oh.

I know it’s short but I feel I have now set it so I can go into the third book :) xx

Lillie-Mae Sykes (Sequel to Tom Parker's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now