Chapter 22

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*a week later*

*Nathan's p.o.v*

'Lillie-Mae Sykes you need to eat!' I said for the hundredth time.

'I'm not hungry.' She replied with the same answer each time.

'It's not good for you, please eat something.' I pleaded.

She hadn't eaten anything, since she's been home and if she had it was so small.

'No!' She yelled throwing her arms up in the air.

'Why won't you eat!?' I exclaimed running my hand through my hair.

'Because. I'm. Not. Hungry.' Lillie replied spacing each word out.

'Just cause you're not hungry doesn't mean you don't eat.' I retorted.

'I just don't want to eat is that so hard to understand!' Lils shouted before storming out the room.

'Look after you brothers and sister, I'll be back soon.' I shouted after her.

This argument was happening far to often.

I sighed grabbing my keys and headed to the studio. Ellie was already there.

They were all sat outside the recording room.

'Why aren't any of you in the recording room?' I questioned looking at them all.

'Your dear wife is in there.' Seev mentioned.

All of them were smiling.

'Mate go in there and hear her she is amazing!' Jay said.

I opened the door and stood on the opposite side of the glass next to our producer.

El's voice filled the room.

I looked down at the table, some of her song names were written on it;


Hear Me

Save You

(Those songs are all Kelly Clarkson's, Cry is on the side)

Her voice still amazes me. I watched mesmerized as she sung her song ‘Cry’.

If anyone asks,

I'll tell them we both just moved on

When people all stare

I'll pretend that I don't hear them talk

Whenever I see you,

I'll swallow my pride

and bite my tongue

Pretend I'm okay with it all

Act like there's nothing wrong

Is it over yet?

Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?


If anyone asks,

I'll tell them we just grew apart

Yeah what do I care

If they believe me or not

Whenever I feel

Your memory is breaking my heart

I'll pretend I'm okay with it all

Act like there's nothing wrong

Is it over yet?

Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?


I'm talking in circles

I'm lying, they know it

Why won't this just all go away

Is it over yet?

Can I open my eyes?

Is this as hard as it gets?

Is this what it feels like to really cry?



Once she had finished, Ellie saw me through the screen. She left the recording box.

‘Get out, get out, get out.’ She ordered pushing me towards the door.

‘Why can’t I listen?’ I whined turning around to face her.

‘Cause I said so, love you bye.’ She rushed shutting the door.

The other boys erupted into laughter, I huffed turning round.

‘Thanks for that guys.’ I mumbled plopping myself down next to Bird.

The laughter died down.

‘Has Lillie eaten yet?’ Max asked concerned.

‘No, I don’t know what to do, El thinks she might be anorexic.’ I explained to the boys.

‘I know what to do!’ Tom said his voice sounding hopeful.


*Lillie’s p.o.v*

-I’m taking you out be ready in 10, Ads xx-

I smiled at the text and got ready.

Once I got in the car, Aiden was extremely quiet.

'Ads, where we going?'

He said nothing.

We continued driving for about 15 minutes.

We pulled up outside a medium sized grey building. My eyes scanned over the large white sign.

-Mental Health Clinic-

'What are we doing here?' I demanded.

'Getting you help.' Aiden replied quietly as the car came to a stop.

'I don't need help, I'm not crazy, Take me home!' I shouted.

‘You need to get help for not eating.’ Aiden said calmly.

‘I don’t need help, I am perfectly fine!’ I screamed shoving the door open.   

How could he do this to me? Did my family think I was crazy? Do I need help?

I stormed away from the car, the tears violently making their way down my face. Thoughts were racing through my mind too quick to understand them. I could faintly hear Aiden calling after me.

I felt sick to my stomach, an indescribable pain in my chest. Anger filled inside of me as well as hurt.

My vision started to go blurry as the tears fell too fast. A hand grabbed hold of my wrist, I pulled and struggled out of the grip but it was too firm. The hand pulled me into them.

‘Shh, Lillie I’m sorry.’ He whispered rubbing my back as I cried into his shirt.

‘Lillie, please let us help you.’ Aiden stroked my cheek.

‘But…but..I…I’m…scared.’ I spoke it was barely audible.

‘I’ll be here every step of the way Lils, I promise.’ He comforted, he looked into my eyes before speaking again.

‘I love you.’

Lillie-Mae Sykes (Sequel to Tom Parker's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now