Chapter 27

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‘Lillie-Mae Sykes, 17 year old daughter of Nathan and Ellie Sykes is in rehab. She was signed in last night and is thought to being staying there for between 6 months to a year. Nathan and the boys are currently away on a American tour, we are unsure of any details about the situation as too why Lillie is in rehab but we will let you know as more details are revealed.’

*Lillie’s p.o.v*

I woke up in a room that wasn’t my bedroom, the room was warm but a feeling of unsettlement hammered my stomach. Aiden wasn’t with me either, I was all by myself I didn’t even have the comfort of the photos that use to be in my room. The room was small and square next to the bed was a bedside table, there wasn’t much in the room, a little table and chair as well as an open door that had a bathroom in it. There was a note on the bedside table; I went to read it when there was a knock on the door. The large metal door opened to reveal a middle-aged lady, her hair blonde and bobbed, spectacles pushed up her nose framing large green eyes. She had dark smart trousers, a white shirt and a black jacket.

‘Good afternoon Miss Sykes, once you are dressed and ready, I will take you to where you need to be.’ Her voice spoke gently and kindly

I nodded slowly not completely understanding.

‘Alright then, I will be waiting outside.’ She smiled before walking out and closing the door behind her.

I looked down at the letter in my hand and opened it slowly deciding that I was going to read it.

Hello Lils,

You are most likely wondering where you are, it will be alright trust the people here they aren’t going to hurt you, do what they say it will benefit you. You are here to get better so please let them help you, as we have failed to help you. I know you probably hate us for this but we just want you to get better, we love you and will see you once you are out. Lots of love Mum and family.

Hey beautiful, I’m so sorry for leaving you last night. But you had to be brought here, I will see you soon, please don’t fight them.  I love you –Aiden xx

I shoved the letter in the bedside draw, wiping the lone tear away furiously as it travelled down my cheek. Why did they take me here? I’m never gonna get better! So why bother? They brought me here while I was asleep couldn’t they face doing it while I was awake? They’ve just dumped me here for god knows how long? What the hell are they gonna do to me here?

I left my thoughts as I remember the lady was waiting outside. I saw my bag swung over the chair, I made my way over to it and grabbed some clothes from it, I would look through it later. I quickly got changed and made my way to the door to meet the lady.

‘Aww there you are dear, come on follow me.’ The lady spoke. She wasn’t too much taller than me so it wasn’t too intimidating. I followed her down the dull plain corridor that had lights running down the middle of the ceiling.

We took several turns before we reached sliding automatic glazed glass doors. She walked through them so I followed curiously. She lead me away from the main area that had a few people lying on what looked like hospital beds with doctors talking to them. We entered a room there was another bed thing.

‘Take a seat on the bed and Dr Linton will be with you shortly.’ The lady explained before leaving me by myself in the room.


The doctor had done different tests on me, when we had finally finished (it took a lot to persuade me to let her) I was now staring at a plate of food that had been placed in front of me, they said I had it eat it, finish it and not bring it back up.

I’ve been staring at it for a long time now, no matter what it isn’t disappearing. I sighed rubbing my head. I didn’t want to eat. The sooner I eat it the quicker I can get out of here. I breathed in and out deeply before shakily picking up my fork poking around the food, placing a tiny amount in my mouth.

They made me sit there for two hours until I finished it. When I was back in my room, the doctor paid me a visit, she was currently going through the test resulted. The list seemed to be going on for what seemed like forever, I was only able to cry once she left. I wish known of this ever happened I just want to go home.

-Few months later-

I have lost all the anger I felt towards my family, I have finally realised that all they were doing was trying to help me and I just shouted at them and been difficult. I love them so much; I just hope they know that. I still have a long way to go until I am fully recovered but I have made progress. I have been crossing off the days on my white calendar with my red pen. Dad would be arriving home within the next couple of days, I wonder if he knows I’m here. Will anyone ever visit me if they’re allowed?

Every few days I have to see Dr Linton but apart from that I either hang out in the tv room or in my room. I have talked to a few people in the rehab centre, it’s going better than I thought it would, sometimes I start refusing to do things, but I just have to suck it up and deal with it. These people are helping me get better and I have to let them.

‘Lillie, someone is here to see you.’ The blonde lady who I learned be called Maria smiled popping her head round my door.

‘Okay.’ I said quietly, her head disappeared and the door was soon pushed open. When I saw who it was I squealed jumping to my feet. The person caught me as I jumped on them.

‘It’s nice to see you too beautiful.’ He chuckled his arms supporting my thighs, stopping me from falling.

‘I missed you; I’m so sorry all you were doing was helping me and I was being so stubborn, I love you Aiden.’ I rambled hugging him tightly.

‘Say that again?’ He asked.

‘I missed you and/’ I started again before he interrupted me ‘No the last bit what did you say?’ He asked.

‘Oh.’    ‘I love you.’ I smiled at the thought.

‘You have no idea how happy that makes me, oh and I love you too Lillie.’ He grinned his forehead resting against mine.

Lillie-Mae Sykes (Sequel to Tom Parker's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now