Chapter 3

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It had been a week since that whole situation. My classes were going good. Also Martin and I hadn't argued like that so that was great. I had been spending the nights at Martin's apartment. I know what you are thinking. Why didn't I just live with Martin at his on campus apartment. Well I didn't want to.

Shayla and Michael also shared an on campus apartment too. I wanted to stay with them they had more than enough room and we had planned this forever. But then Martin had gotten an on campus apartment and wanted me to stay with him and I was not about to choose between the two so I chose to just stay at a dorm with a roommate that was for the best.

I was deep in thought and I was studying. I was tired and it was late. I heard the door slam and I got scared but then looked up it was a gorgeous man infront of me.

"Hey I'm Adan Santiago your roommate." he said smiling putting his hand out for me to shake. I looked at him and did nothing for about 30 seconds. Lord I probably looked like a deer caught in headlights.

I finally shook his hand. "I'm Kace Torres." I said giving a slight smile. "Damn." he said and I looked at him confused. "Oh my bad it's just your side looks good." he said smiling and admiring my led lights and posters up. I noticed an accent. "Are you from New York?" I asked trying not to sound like I was intruding. "I grew up there." he nodded.

"Ahh you got an ear for accents huh ?" he said putting his stuff into his drawers. "No actually your accent is very heavy." I laughed.

"Ever since I came here that's what a lot of people have been saying." he said surprised I laughed and looked away. "You from here ?" he asked getting his stuff together. "Yea I am. Born and raised in good old Florida" I laughed.

We had talked some more while he was putting his stuff in the room and I actually began to help I got bored so why not. He was pretty cool. We stayed up until 2 am just talking and getting to know each other.

I got a phone call from Martin and talked to him for a little bit it wasn't that long only about 5 minutes. I said goodnight and started helping Adan with his stuff again.

"Girlfriend needed to hear your voice before bed?" he laughed while still dealing with his stuff. I kind of tensed up how in the hell didn't this boy notice I was gay. "Uhm boyfriend." I said lowly. "Okay that's dope." he said. He didn't put any thought into and just said okay.  Now I was wondering was my roommate an ally. I looked at him kind of shocked and he noticed. He looked at me and I quickly turned my head.

"You the kind of person that doesn't talk to people but just try to get to know them by  the way they look and talk." he said sitting down taking a break.  I sat down beside him on the floor. I shook my head yea and smiled. "I can tell. I'm Bi." he laughed. "I know I know I look like a  'straight guy right." he laughed.

"I'm sorry I just didn't expect you to take me being gay so normally that's why I looked at you like that." I said. He dismissed my words with his hand. "It's cool I don't look like what u would expect a Bi guy to look like." he laughed as he made his way to his bed. "I'm tired it's going to be the night for me. Goodnight KC." he said as he went to sleep.

I hated that name but I was too tired to correct him so I just climbed into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning Adan was gone. I guess he had morning classes. So did I but I was just too tired to get up. He must have had to do something before he went to class because I know I would have wanted that extra sleep. I heard a knock on my door. It was Shayla and Michael.

"Get in the shower and get ready for the day." Michael said as he put his cold drink on my shoulder. "Why?" I groaned. "Why must you bother me on this beautiful morning?" I said as I yawned.

I went to the bathroom and got all cleaned up and was ready to go. "Surprised your sweet boyfriend didn't come and pick you up." Shayla said sarcastically. I shrugged my shoulders as we left the room walking down the hall. We went to a cafe on campus and got coffee and breakfast. I was starting to wake up.

"I met my roommate last night and he is so hot." I said as we started walking to class. "Spill" Shayla said as we were getting close to my class. "Can't right now but I'll see y'all later" I said as I walked into class. It was the same old class I had been going to for a week but then I realized Adan was in this class. For some reason it felt brand new all over again.

After class Shayla and Michael were there to continue our little story time. " Kace! " I heard someone yell from behind us. It was Adan. We stopped to let him catch up.

"Please don't embarrass me you two this is my roommate." I mumble to my two friends. "Hey I was wondering If I could tag alone with you guys until my next class." he said. "You can." Shayla said in a hurry. I smiled and we just kept walking. By the time we got to Shayla and Michael's place we already had everybody acquainted and friends. We stayed there for about 30 minutes until I got a phone call it was Martin. "Hold up y'all I need to take this." I said stepping to the hallway.

"Where the hell are you?" Martin said upset over the phone. "At Shayla and Michael's place." I said confused. "Why are you so upset baby?" I said quickly trying to stay quiet. "I told you last fucking night that I wanted to hangout after our first class. I've been waiting for you at your fucking dorm for almost 40 minutes now. I look like a fucking fool." he snapped. "I am sorry. I didn't remember I have just been so busy today I forgot. I am so sorry." I said. "Busy with what you have no life besides me and your two idiotic friends. So please tell me how the fuck how have you been busy!" he yelled.

There was literally no point in trying to reason with him when he was mad so I told him I was on the way and just to wait in his car for me. Adan said he would be good with Shayla and Michael. So I left.

It took about 15 minutes to get to my dorm from their place. Once I got their I prepared for Martin's wrath. I got into his car and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hey baby." I said kind of happy to see him. "Where the hell were you?" he said softly but snappy.  "I told you at Sha-" he cut me off. "Cut the bullshit Kace. You were with somebody. Why the hell would you have to whisper on the phone and it took you forever to get here." he snapped.

"I swear I was with them because I was showing my roommate around with them." I said panicking. "Can you please just believe me baby?" I said touching his hand. He grabbed my wrist tight and let it go. "Don't touch me." he ordered. He pulled out my dorm parking a lot and started driving fast. I was a little scared of what was about to happen. The last time he acted like this was when he had hit me.

I was never scared of Martin but when he felt threatened or felt as if someone was better than him than he took action. So yea this time I was scared.

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