Chapter 31

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I was right I didn't leave his side. I only left to go shower, see my daughter, and get food. I had been at that damn hospital 24/7 for a whole week and a half. I was starting to lose my mind. The same old boring reruns played and the service was horrible. Kace better be lucky I love him.

"You better be fucking lucky I love you Kace Torres." I mumbled about to throw my phone across the damn room because it was going so slow. "I- I love you too." a soft voice said. I quickly looked up from my phone and looked at Kace. He was looking at me half way smiling. "Kace your up. Let me go get the doctor." I said quickly hopping up. The doctor came back in quickly and smiled. "Well Mr.Torres how do you feel ?" she asked as she put on hand sanitizer. "I- I feel okay. I just have a massive headache." Kace replied trying to sit up. "No no I will just sit your bed up. You do not need to be getting up." the doctor said with her hand out.

After about 30 minutes of test being done I was final alone with my boyfriend. "How you feel babe?" I asked. "I said I was fine Adan. Really I'm fine baby." he said sitting up doing exactly what the doctor told him not to do. "Kace Emilio your doctor told you not to sit up." I said squinting my eyes. He just laughed. "I'm not playing with you." I said as I drank some of my water.

"Okay fine but when can I get out of this hospital." he said in return. I shrugged my shoulders and just looked at him. He looked like the same old Kace it's just I couldn't get the image out of my head from when I last saw him with his eyes open and talking.

"Where is Mina?" he asked taking me away from my thoughts. "At Jazmine's house she has been staying there while I've been here." I replied. "Go get her." Kace said. I shook my head no because I didn't want to just leave him here alone. "Yes Adan please go and get her. I want to see her. Please?" he said with those puppy dog eyes that I always fall for. "Fine but I'm coming right back." I said in a stern tone.

While out getting Jimina I called Lynn and Michael. Michael said he was on his way instantly and Lynn said they would be here soon. I did end up going home to go shower and get clothes but that was it. I got Jimina and headed back to the hospital.

"She's here." I announced. Kace head popped up quickly from his phone and reached his arms out. I handed her to him and it's like they didn't miss a beat she went right to him. As soon as he grabbed her he held her close. I didn't think much of it until I saw a tear fall from his eye. "Babe what's wrong?" I asked him moving my chair closer to the bed.

"When I got shot-" he paused. It's like he cringed at those words. I softly touched his leg and looked at him.

He took a deep breath and continued "When I got shot Mina was the only person I looked for before the bullet hit me. I remember thinking that I would jump over that whole damn couch to protect her little body." his voice quivered. Tears fell from his eyes and he just hugged her more. "I love this little girl more than life it self." he wiped his tears and kissed her cheek. I smiled at him and then instantly dropped my head. Dammit I had started tearing up too.

"Babe you know it's okay to cry?" he laughed. I nodded my head but I still looked at the ground. He did not need to see me like this. I was supposed to
be his rock and tell him everything was okay.

"Kace your best bitch is here!" Michael came in practically yelling. I rolled my eyes and just laughed. "Hey!" Kace replied. They talked for a long ass time about a whole bunch of shit I did not know about. Out of nowhere we heard a "Kacey!" in a really loud screech. It was Kaitlyn which meant Kace's family was here. Kaitlyn automatically jumped on the bed and Kace didn't stop her. I looked at him and he just dismissed me with his hand. I swear that boy is going to be the death of me.

We all talked for a while and then the doctor came in for an update. "Well all of his tests came back wonderful. He could either leave tomorrow or the day after that we just have to get his pain medicine prescription sent to his pharmacy." the doctor finished.

"Oh I don't want any pain medicine." he said looking at the doctor. "But your gonna be in a lot pain I thi-" Kace cut her off "I said I don't want any medicine or any drugs you are gonna try to give me." he raised his voice. The doctor nodded her head and quickly dismissed herself. The room got really quiet and then Lynn spoke up "Honey I don't think she wanted to give you anything that was going to hurt or have you messed up in anyway." Kace shrugged his shoulders "I don't care what she was going to give me I don't want any damn drugs. That's why I'm here in the fucking first place." he snapped.

"Okay okay." I said calmly rubbing his leg. "I'm sorry I just- I don't know what came over me there." he said sympathetically. We all nodded our heads because we couldn't really get mad at him.

By 9 pm everybody had left and Kace was asleep. I heard a knock at his door so I opened it and it was Shayla. I wish she would know how to take a fucking hint. "I saw on Michael's snap that he was up." she whispered. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at her. "He's sleep." I said sternly trying to close the door. She put her hand out so I couldn't close the door. Shayla was very small I could have moved her if I really wanted to but I was not about to put my hands on her.

I looked back and saw Kace start to move around. "Look you need to fucking go." I said. "Baby?" I heard Kace whisper. "I will be right there just give me a second." I replied. "Who is that at the door?" he asked. "Uhm nobody." I quickly stated. "Adan I can clearly here you fucking talking to someone. If you don't tell me who it is I am going to get up and look myself." he said. He knew how much I did not want him getting up so he used that against me.

"It's Shayla." I said stiffly. She half way smiled and barged into the door. "No get the fuck back." I said putting my arm out.

"Let her in." Kace said using his remote to turn on the lights. I sighed and did what he said "Go." I said to Shayla. She kind of stumbled into the room and looked at Kace. "Hi." she softly said. Kace just looked at her.

"So how have you been?" she asked. Kace just sat there looking at her. This was fucking embarrassing she kept trying to start up conversation and Kace
just looked at her. After a while she got quiet. "What do you want." he finally said. "Oh uhm. I just wanted to check on you. I just needed to see you." she smiled. Kace didn't smile or didn't say anything back so her smile dropped almost immediately. "Okay? You have saw me." he finally said looking her up and down.

She took a deep breath "You and Michael are the only true friends I have ever had. Now he won't even look my way and he has moved out." Kace shrugged "And? What does that have to do with me?" he asked.

"I just want you to forgive me. Please? I just can't deal with this guilt." she rushed out. Kace looked at her disgusted "Forgive you? I almost fucking died Shayla! I was in a fucking comma for a week and a half." he raised his voice.

"And you think it's my fault? I didn't want you to get hurt. I- I didn't want anyone to get hurt. And you can't just blame me. What about your fucking boyfriend? He's the one who went off the rails and started fighting Gavin." she said walking towards Kace. I noticed he started breathing hard at that name.

"So I'm the only one to blame?" She said quickly still walking toward Kace. Kace started breathing harder and grabbing his chest. "Yo back the fuck up." I said standing up from where I was sitting. She looked at me and then walked back to the front of the bed. Kace was still breathing hard. I sat on the bed beside him and grabbed his hand.

"I- I- I can't breathe." he said gasping for air. I looked at Shayla annoyed expecting her to fucking leave but this bitch just sat there asking what she needed to do.

I finally got his doctor and she said he just had a severe panic attack. "Leave." I said to Shayla because she was sitting outside of his room. "But I didn't get to apologize." She said. "You fucking caused him to have a panic attack." I almost yelled but remembered Jimina and Kace were sleeping.

She needed to know that I will do anything for Kace and nobody was going to hurt him ever again.

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