Chapter 8

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I could tell Adan was nervous. They had sent all her stuff down here while he was gone to go get her and while he was home he spent sometime with his mom. I took the liberty to put all her stuff together. Also I was bored. So I went ahead and set her cleaning table up and her crib. They had sent all the onesies so I made her a little drawer and put them up also.

I did feel like a house wife but hell I was bored and babies excited me. They were these little humans that didn't have a care in the world. They are basically living my dream life.

The next day Adan asked me to pick up him and Mina from the airport and how could I deny that so I did. I waited for them at the escalator and that's when I saw him. He had her in one of those little carrier things that went on your chest. It was so cute. I waved at him and got his bags since he was already carrying the little bundle of joy. I packed the car up and we were ready to head to the dorm.

We got to the dorm and he noticed I put all her stuff up and made her little area up nice. "I hope you can do that for me when I get this place." he said looking amazed. "It was nothing. I got bored and just went to work. I actually wish there was more to do." I said looking at him. He looked super tired. He had to be on a plane with a baby yea I would be tired too. I can imagine the jet lag. So I let them both sleep. While they were sleep I actually ran some errands. I got diapers, wipes, binky's, blankets and more.

I got back to the room and they both were up. He saw I had and looked thankful and annoyed at the same time. He got up from where he was "You did not have to do this" he whispered to me. I laughed "Oh come on I was not just about to sit here doing nothing and I knew some shopping could have been done." He smiled and went back to his baby I looked at them and they were so cute together. I couldn't believe how much she looked like him.

"Here" Adan said passing me the baby. "You just keep looking at her amazed but won't get her so I did it for you." he laugh. "How old is she?" I said as the baby started to mess with my lips. "She's 5 months." he said looking at me like I was a natural with her. She hadn't cried since she had been here so that was good. She ended up following asleep in my arms so I put her in her crib. It looked so comfortable. I literally just stood there and admired the view. She was gorgeous.

A minute went by and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and looked up at Adan. "What are you doing?" I asked laughing. "I know you are most likely not looking for another relationship anytime soon." he said trying to be as sweet as possible. I just stared at him not knowing what to say. I did want him. I really really did and we even have shared a kiss and that kiss was great. I just didn't know what to say.

"I have feelings for you and you have feelings for me." he said looking at me for reassurance. I nodded my head and smiled. "So would you like to take this slow and see where it goes?" he said slowly. I took a deep breath and just looked at him for a bit. It seems like I haven't been able to talk for awhile now.

"I would like that a lot." I said as I got closer to him in his embrace. He smiled and it was the cutest smile ever. It felt so good to be in someone's arms and not be scared or hurting. I almost cried because the last time I felt like this I was with my abuser. I tried to get his image out of my head but I just couldn't for some reason in this very moment. My thoughts were put aside by a very loud knock.

I opened the door and it was Shayla and Michael. "I wanna see her!" Shayla said excited. She barged in and saw the baby in her crib. "Oh my goodness" she said in a soft baby voice. "She looks like you more in person." Shayla said holding the sleeping baby's hand. Michael didn't do babies. My baby sister Kaitlyn had messed that up for him. So he just looked but he looked amazed. She was a gorgeous little baby.

After Shayla got over her baby fever a little more we all sat on the bed. Shayla and Michael were on mine and Adan and I were on his. We talked about what we were going to do for the weekend it was Friday after all. "Don't you have to be with Mina?" Michael said confused. "I have a bit of a support system down here. And they understand I may need a break from time to time so they will get her when I needed a break and when I have my classes." he said telling us his game plan. We all nodded. I didn't even know he had family down here but I didn't wanna get in his business.

We talked a little more and ordered food. Soon Michael and Shay had went home. Adan and I stay up for a little longer. We talked and some how we ended up on the same bed just talking. I was against the wall sitting up on his bed while Adan and Mina were all spread out comfortably . "She's gonna be up all night." I assured him as I pinched her cheeks. "I know" he said looking upset. "I hate I let her sleep for so long. I guess I will just have to deal with a energetic baby." he said laughing. "I will help you if she gets too out of control." I shrugged not caring. I'm up all the time anyways.

I was right. She stayed up all night. We took turns on who would get her so the other could sleep. I could tell every time it was my turn to wake up and look after the energetic baby Adan felt uncomfortable asking me to get up. I had set a alarm for each time it was my turn because I kept my word he was not about to be up with a baby all night. By the time she had fell asleep we were both up.

"Thank you for helping me with her. I swear this is not going to happen again. She is not your kid for you to be taking care of." he said sounded genuinely sorry. I shook my head and stood beside him "No I promised I was going to help you and I don't break promises. And plus I enjoyed staying up with baby Mina. She's a lot of fun." I laughed.

Moments went by and he hugged me. Of course I hugged him back I loved being in his arms and feeling his heart beat while my head was on his chest. Good lord what was this man doing to me.

We ended falling asleep in the same bed. I don't know how we ended up all curled up together but it's the best sleep I have gotten in months. I enjoyed it too. I knew this night was gonna be a great night.

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