Chapter 1

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I woke up in a strong embrace. I was in a room I did not recognize at all but that's how I felt since yesterday morning. "Martin" I mumbled. It was no answer. I guess he was still asleep. I turned to give him a Good Morning kiss but it wasn't him.

I panicked. I tried to move but my body was not agreeing with my brain. I sat up still in the embrace of the person that I didn't recognize. "Stop moving." the person beside me mumbled. I was kind of annoyed because he wouldn't let go of me but told me to stop moving. "Well uhm...cou... could you let me go...please?" I whispered. He lifted his arm from off of my lap and it felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. 

I got up quickly and tiptoed around the room looking for my clothes. I got scared since I was naked and couldn't find any of my clothes. "They are in the wash." I heard a deep voice say a little above a whisper. He sat up and I was stunned. This man was literally beautiful. He was strong but it didn't look like he lived in the gym and he had a single tattoo on his peck. "Take a picture it would last longer." he laughed. I didn't say anything but only looked away quickly.

"So when can I get my clothes?" I asked shyly. Still looking away I sat on the bed putting the sheets around me. "You know we didn't do anything...uhm I didn't catch your name." he said. "I'm Kace and you are?" I asked in a sigh of relief. "I'm Ethan." he said as he put out his hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and looked forward kinda wanting him to catch on that I was bored and needed my clothes to leave.

We sat there for another two minutes with no talking. "I should go get your clothes." Ethan said standing up putting on his sweatpants and shoes. I nodded my head and didn't say anything. I was beyond uncomfortable, my first night on campus and I had already woken up in a stranger's bed. I knew last night was a mistake. I knew I shouldn't have went to the party.

I was deep in thought until the door swinging open kind of scared me and I jumped. "Oh my god he wasn't lying. I am so sorry!" a boy yelled noticing that he startled me. Now I was embarrassed. I sat there for another five minutes until Ethan came back with my clothes. "I am so so sorry. My idiot roommate didn't believe I had a hot guy in here since I just didn't do this whole thing very often." he said handing me my clothes. I just shook my head slowly and started putting on my clothes. He noticed I was uncomfortable so he left the room while I changed.

I heard bickering for like a minute but it stopped by the time I had all my clothes on. "You can come back in." I said quietly hoping he didn't hear me so by the time I got my shoes and phone I could just be leaving out and didn't have to speak to him again. But with the luck I was having he heard me. He came in slowly but not too slow and sat on the bed. He turned to me and handed me my phone. I took it and mumble thank you.

"Uhm I have a question" I said walking towards the door. "I have a answer" he laughed. "Why did you take all my clothes off if we didn't do anything. And why did they have to go to the wash" I said quickly. "You were really drunk last night. You were falling all over the place." he laughed. "You had a lot of drinks. So with the good person I am I was going to walk you to your dorm but you didn't know where that was So I brung you here." He said with his hands up showing the room. "I still don't know why my clothes were in the wash." I said trying not to say it with a attitude.

"Well Mr. Kace you threw up all over me and you by the time we got to my dorm. And I couldn't let you sleep in my bed all nasty and smelly. So I took off your clothes and put you into my bed and now we are here." he said trying to say it in a slow way like I was a kid.

I stood there in embarrassment. I never
drank heavily and the first I time I did I get messy drunk and slept with a stranger. I was so annoyed with myself.  "Thank you for all you did last night and I don't know how to repay you." I said quickly leaving the room. I didn't even give him time to say anything I just hurried out of the door. I was so embarrassed. I finally turned on my phone and I had 30 missed calls and 25 texts from Martin. I put my phone in my back pocket. I was already drained and I hadn't done anything today.

It took like 10 minutes to get to my dorm from Ethan's place but with the pace I was walking it's like I would never get there. I finally got close and saw Martin. He was on the phone screaming at whoever it was on the phone. I stopped and walked to where he couldn't see me. I had to prepare myself for the storm that was Martin.

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