Chapter 7

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We were all stunned. How long had I been locked up with my ex? He said his daughter. I turned and looked at him with a surprised look. Before I could say anything Shay yelled "Oh my goodness I wanna see her. Please please please." in the cutest little baby voice.

Adan laughed and took out his phone. Michael and I were still stunned. "Here she is." he said holding the phone up to us. "Jesus she's beautiful." I said with a huge smile on my face. "Yup she's yours. That is your literal twin!" Michael said surprised. All Shay could manage to say was "Aww" again in a baby voice. "Now what is that sweet little girl's name?" I asked sounding like a total grandma. "Her name is Jimina." Adan said with the cutest little smile ever. I  could just tell that she was the love of his life.

After we fell in love with Adan's daughter we ate and we all said our goodbyes and Adan and I started to walk to our room. "I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me today." I said breaking the silence. He stopped and looked at me with his eyebrow cocked up "Wanna go to our place?" he bumped me and asked. I nodded my head excited and we kept walking. We got into deep conversation and it's just like I could tell him everything naturally and he not judge me. So that's what I did. We finally reached our "spot" and we got back on the topic of his daughter.

"She really is your twin you know?" I said looking up at him. "I know she is. She is literally the reason I am here now I just hate being away from her. That's what took me so long to finally come." he said looking forward but I could tell he was focused. "I am getting my own place soon. She's coming to stay with me. Her mom is not in the picture so I will take care of her here. I have some family here so I won't be all alone." he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm proud of you. A teen single dad taking care of his daughter in college. That's amazing." I applauded him as I said that. He looked at me for a long time. I could tell he wanted to say something he just didn't know how to say it. We sat there in our spot in silence. We were care free and I liked it like that. I don't know what this connection I had with Adan was but I liked it.

We talked more and we laughed and soon we were just sitting there again in silence. "What did you do to me?" he whispered. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I have this feeling inside of me that I just had to protect you." he said looking at me waiting for a response. "Well I should thank that feeling then." I laughed. "No but seriously I know exactly what you are talking about. Like I never tell anyone the things I have told you in just one night." I said looking at him wondering what was going on in his head.

A couple seconds went by and out of nowhere he kissed me. I didn't stop it. It felt as if I couldn't stop it. I even kissed him back. It felt wrong. I haven't kissed anyone else but Martin in 2 and a half years. I put my hand on his cheek and deepened the kiss. He finally let go and looked at me in my eyes. "It's like I have no control over my body when I'm with you." he said still looking at me in my eyes.

I just smiled. I couldn't really say anything. We sat there for another couple of minutes. We decided we should go to our dorm room. 2 nights straight out there would be a mistake and my back was already killing me.

We walked to the room and talked more about our lives and just laughed and talked. I was enjoying myself and I haven't did that in a long time. We had finally made it to our dorm. We were both super tired. I went on my bed and he went on his. We literally talked until we fell asleep. That was the best feeling ever.


It had been 2 weeks since that day. I still have a couple of bruises but that's it. I tried not to think about Martin and it actually works. Adan and I were getting very close. Nothing romantic just being very close friends was enough for me right now. I mean I did have feelings for him and he did have feelings for me I think but we never really talked about it. We just went with the flow and kept each other company.  He started looking for apartments which kind of made me sad but I was proud of him he was about to make it on his own.

I was deep in thought like always until I caught Adan just staring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked glancing over at him. "I don't want to leave you here alone." he said sadly. I just shrugged my shoulders and told him I would be fine. He shook his head "I can't just leave you here." he said. "How about you come with me?" he said as he looked at me waiting for my response. I shook my head "I don't want to be a burden and plus I could be possibly moving in with Shayla and Michael, because my reason for not living with them is gone." I said making sure he did not feel bad for me.

He didn't say anything for a moment and suddenly got his words together. "Fine but you have to move with them a day before I move into my place. Deal?" he said making sure I knew the deal. I nodded and laughed. I felt like this was really important to him and I liked that.

"With that being said I have a question for you and you can say no." he said with a worried look on his face. "Mina does need to come down here before I move to my place because my mom needs to go back to work and I just wanted to ask if she could stay here with me and you?" he said playing with his fingers. "Oh my god yes!" I nodded.

I loved babies and they are so cute and especially when they had a little personality. I couldn't possibly say no to Adan's daughter staying with us and plus I was so ready for little Jimina to come here.

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