Chapter 13

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My life was literally a mess. I barely paid attention in class and halfway did my school work but still managed to pass with all A's. I had went to the hospital everyday before and after I had classes for the pass 4 days. I changed my mind about wanting to live with Michael and Shay. I just couldn't get that image out of my head from that day. I still had nightmares about it.

That was the worse feeling ever. I didn't know if my bestfriend was alive or not. I just kept thinking about that day. Honestly I probably could never step foot in that house again. So I signed up for apartments that were not near the campus the very next day it happened. I had money in my account because my parents put money in it every week in it if it was urgent. I told them I wanted to get myself my own apartment and they had agreed to pay the first 3 months of bills but then I was on my own.

Adan stuck to his word and did not leave me in the dorm by myself until I had my own space. His whole apartment was set up but he still would not leave. I loved how he cared about me so much. He was so kind hearted. He surprised me everyday.

When my apartment was finally ready I had gotten a lot of things ordered there. I still found time to visit Shayla in the hospital but those visits were becoming shorter because I had things to do. They just wouldn't let her out of the hospital which worried me. I tried to put that to the back of my head because today was my moving day.

Adan had already gotten all his things out of the dorm so now as I packed up Adan's car with my stuff the whole dorm was empty.

"You nervous?" he said focusing on the road. I shook my head no and said nothing. I was tired I had been moving and packing up boxes all day and night. We got to where my apartment was and carried a lot out of the car. I hadn't ordered furniture yet so I knew my place would be bland for a long time but when I opened the door I was amazed.

The living room was furnished and he had all things I had been looking at online in my apartment. He even put led lights underneath the table the table like I described to him I would like my things to be. Then I walked to my kitchen. It had a cute little dining room table in the small dining area I had. He bought cups, plates, silverware, and a couple of wine glasses. I was amazed. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" I said basically jumping into his arms.

I kissed all over his face. We had been doing that a lot. Kissing. So it was normal now. We hadn't talked about what we were and I was fine with that at least I had him in my life and we were getting closer than ever. "You like it?" he asked holding me in his arms by my waist. I nodded my head and kissed him again. I was now actually very excited to get into my new apartment.

It took us all day to get everything together and right. I still had a extra bedroom that I most likely going to make a din. Probably like a long couch and a t.v for when people visited I guess. We finally got done setting up my bedroom. We put my bed base together and made my bed. Mounted my t.v, put all my clothes in my drawers, got the things I needed in my closet there and put my shoe rack up. We were exhausted. It was late at night when we had finally got done.

"Shit I didn't realize how late it was. I have to go get Mina." Adan said realizing the time. "Hey since you don't have wifi and service out here yet wanna come and stay at my place?" he asked getting up from the floor putting on his jacket. I nodded my head "Sure, I just need to get some clothes and I will be right there." I said as he headed to the car.

I decided I was going to take a shower at Adan's house. I finally was ready and went to the car. "I have to pick Mina up from my brother's house and after that we can go get food okay?" he said so normally. I didn't even know he had a brother but I didn't ask anything I just rode in the car with him.

We picked her up from a nice house. I wondered what his brother did. He had lots of cars and his house was huge.

We got some food and went to his place. He put Mina to bed in her room and we talked in the living room for a bit.

"So thanksgiving is coming up. What are you going to do?" I asked eating my food. "Most likely just going spend it with my brother and his little family he got over there. I don't feel like flying all the way home just for a couple of days and then coming back. Also it's just my mom right now so she would most likely come here." he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm gonna go home for Thanksgiving. My little brother has not stopped texting me since I've been here." I said laughing. After we got off the topic of Thanksgiving we just talked for the rest of the night.

After we ate I took my shower and then he took his. We went into his room and laid down. He was playing with my hair and that's when I finally asked the question. "What are we?" I asked timidly.

I could tell it caught him by surprise but he didn't make any faces and just looked at me. "I want this to be a relationship but I don't want to rush you into anything because I know how your last relationship went." he said looking me in my eyes. "I would like for this to be a relationship too." I said.

"Okay well then. Kace Torres would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend officially?" he asked smiling from ear to ear. I nodded my head  and kissed him.

I was so happy. I had finally had someone in my life that had made me happy. We made out for a bit. We kissed and we kissed and I enjoyed every minute of it. I didn't want to rush sex because that just was not me. We made out more until we heard whining coming from the baby monitor. He was about to get up until I stopped him. "I will get her." I said kissing his cheek and walking out of the room.

Jimina was wide awake. I bounced her up and down she just wouldn't go back to sleep. I walked in the room slowly with a smiling Mina in my arms. It's like she knew what she was doing. I put her in the middle of us and she just sat there. She was finally sitting up on her own. She had so much personality.

We left enough space for her to roll around and be free. We had both fallen asleep watching her play with her feet and smiling. Jimina smacking my face woke me up. Why hadn't she gone back to sleep yet? I did not know babies were so active at 6 months.

I tried not to wake Adan up for some reason I felt obligated now to just take care of Mina. So I went into the living room with her.

It was around 5 am I played with her and made sure she had lots of toys. She ended up getting fussy so I fed her and started to put her to sleep.

After I put her back in her crib I climbed back into bed with Adan. I felt like we were a little family all of a sudden and I liked it.

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