Chapter 27

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Kace and Camilla were staring each other down. "I'm Kace and you?" he said politely putting his hand out for her to shake. She rejected his greeting and looked at me. "So where is my daughter?" she said with an attitude. "I'm going to go to the car." Kace said looking at his phone annoyed. I nodded my head and let him go on to the car.

"She's not with us right now." I replied wanting to leave already. "You said you wanted to meet up to talk. Not to have a little family reunion." "Right." she mumbled.

"Camilla what do you want? You clearly made it clear that you did not want to be in Jimina's life so what do you want now?" I said looking out of the cafe's glass and saw Kace talking to someone. "I need help." she quickly replied. "And? What does that have to do with me? You are a grown woman." I said about to walk out. "My husband found out okay." Camilla paused. "He is trying to push me to tak-"

"Take what? If you say what I think your about to say I am going to flip." I cut her off. She instantly looked at the floor. "Hell fucking no. Hell no." I said knowing what she was about to say. "I don't want to take her but he said he would leave me. Please just help me out Adan." she pleaded.

In all honestly I don't give a fuck how much she pleaded I was not going to just handed over my baby.

"Fuck no. I don't give a fuck what your controlling old ass husband does to you. I am not about to hand my daughter off to you like she is just some property you can buy. You chose you didn't want to be in her life when you chose that husband of yours after she was born." I explained. "He's going to cut me off." she replied.

"What the hell you need money for? Drugs? Yea he should cut you off better yet your eggs haven't dried up too much go fuck him and have a kid." I said.

Our age difference wasn't too bad but a 19 year old having a child with a 31 year old was something. Well I was 18 when Jimina was born so that made it worse I guess.

I stood up to leave. "Please Adan just...just let me see her." she said pulling my arm. "Okay but we can meet at the park. Tomorrow at 4:30. If your even a minute late I'm leaving. This little visit will only be a hour so don't get too excited." I said pulling away and walking out.

Kace was still talking to the person when I walked outside but I didn't care I just wanted to go get my baby and go home. After a minute or so Kace got into the car.

"So what did she say?" Kace asked buckling up. "She wanted to take Jimina." I said barely getting my words out. "What?" Kace said quickly. "You did not agree to that." he said not even letting me speak.

"Hell no. Why would I do that?" I asked defensively. "I'm sorry." he said softly noticing I was upset. "No no your cool. It's on me." I said.

We drove and got Mina and went home. We watched movies and cuddled on the couch making me forget what happened today just a little. "So baby while your at the park with Mina tomorrow I am
going to go with Shay to handle some business. You didn't need me did you?" Kace said pausing the movie. I shook my head no and looked back at the screen.

We all fell asleep on the couch and it was very comfortable. When we woke up we all stayed on the couch for a while. "I have to go baby." Kace said getting up and about to take a shower. He took his shower and left. I was bored so I called my brother and told him what was going on. Of course he told his very unwanted opinion. When we got off the phone it was about time to go meet Camilla.

When I got there it was 4:20. She was already there. We sat on one of the picnic tables and started talking.

I gave her Jimina and she instantly started crying. She was going through the separation anxiety stage so that explains it. I handed her a bottle to let her drink some juice so she could quiet down while Camilla held her. All of a sudden Camilla leaned forward and started whispering.

"There are three men surrounding us. If you even try to grab the baby they will blow your head off. I am going to leave and then 10 minutes later you are. You are not going to follow me because if you do your dead." she got up and took Jimina.

She let the bottle drop out of her mouth so Jimina instantly started crying. I was so stupid and naive. Why the fuck would I trust Camilla.

Exactly 10 minutes later I got up and went to my car. I started panicking she just kidnapped my fucking daughter.

I called my brother crying "You were right. I shouldn't of let her fucking see her. She stole her. She stole my babygirl Seb." I said into the phone pulling out of the parking lot. "Come over right now!" he yelled hanging up.

I got an incoming call from Kace and answered it. "Hey baby!" he said happy on the other side of the phone. I didn't say anything. "How did the little meeting go? Baby?" he asked.

"She took her." I said slowly. "What?" he questioned. "She took her. She brought armed men with her and threaten to have them kill me if I tried to grab Mina from her." I said pulling up to Seb's house. "Do you need me to be with you or are you going to the police ? What are you going to do?" he said panting over the phone. "Don't worry. I have my ways." I told him to calm him down. We said our goodbyes.

I went into Seb's place and he had all of his best people. We talked about our plan and how I knew where they vacation spot was.

He tracked the number on my phone that she had called from and got and address. I told them I knew her license plate and we found the address that was connected to also.

After a good 3 hours of planning to make sure everything was perfect I took one of Seb's cars so that no one knew it was me driving around. I went home and Kace was there sitting in the living room.

"Adan I have been calling and texting you non stop. So what are you doing about it? I know you just didn't come home without having at least something in mind." He said crossing his arms. "No babe. I got people I know is going to get back my babygirl back" I said calmly.

I took a shower and went straight to bed. Kace didn't really bother me because he could tell I wanted to be alone. He came in a hour later and went straight to bed. I put my arm around him and started to get tired.

I need my babygirl and I swear once I get her it's nothing that's can stop me from hurting Camilla not even god himself.

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