Chapter 24

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It was finally Christmas Day. I had gotten some good sleep last night. I woke up to the door opening up. I looked over my shoulder and it was Adan carrying in ice coffees and breakfast. I sat up and just smiled at him it was good to see him back in a good spirit. Yesterday he had stayed in the hotel all day which actually kind of helped me do some shopping for Christmas. He had a big smile on his face while giving me my  food and I honestly had missed that.

"Thanks baby. Your really happy what gives?" I joked giving him a kiss on the a cheek. "It's Christmas I'm supposed to share and be joyful and that's what I'm doing." he smiled.

"So when are we going to your parents house?" Adan asked. I shrugged my shoulders while eating and watching Mina crawl towards me most likely about to come eat my food. "Well I am going to go get showered." he responded going into the bathroom. For some reason he was just in a good mood. I don't know what changed but I liked it I couldn't stand seeing him all sad and gloomy. I guess his time to himself helped yesterday.

While Adan was in the shower I kept trying to get Mina to repeat what she said at the hospital but she didn't do it. I didn't even know how she even knew the word dada. The only word she would repeat all the time was papa because that is what Adan had always repeated to her.

Adan finally got out of the shower and then it was my turn. I got into the shower and just thought about what had happened 2 days ago. I hadn't really gave it much thought since then but when your alone you have no choice but to think. I couldn't help but to start blaming myself for Adan and his dad's argument. I tried to get it out of my head but it just kept coming back and replaying in my head.

Once I got out of the shower I got dressed and just sat on the bed because of what I had been thinking about in the shower. Was it my fault? "Babe I'm going to get Mina all cleaned up and then are you ready to head out?" Adan asked from across the room. I just nodded my head slowly because I was deep into thought. I had zoned out for awhile until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Adan asked squatting infront of me to see my face. I didn't say anything for awhile because I didn't want to bring up the subject that he had clearly gotten past.

"Talk to me." he softly said putting his hand on my thigh. "Did I cause you and your dad to have a falling out when you went into his room?" I said slowly. He looked down and stood up. He sat on the bed beside me and rubbed his hands on his face. He finally said something.

"Kace... you do not need to be worried about that. No it is not your fault. Me and Marco's stupid relationship had nothing to do with you. He was a homophobic piece of shit and he never accepted me. He has done that to me ever since I have came out and we have always argued like that ever since I came out. I don't need you worrying about that he's dead and gone it's nothing we can do about it. I have my closure and I just need you to relax." he paused. "Kace Emilio Torres I love you and would never blame you for what happened. Your such a good person that you let things stress you out that you shouldn't so please have a good time today and forget my crazy family problems."

He kissed my cheek and then got up. "I love you too." I said as he looked back at me. I'm glad I got that off of my chest because if I hadn't then I would have been off all day. He finally got Mina clothes because today she was just not having it. She was squirming around and crying the whole time. "What's wrong with her?" I asked as he picked up the screaming baby and patted her back. "I don't know." Adan replied looking stressed.

After Jimina's little break down we had opened our gifts we had bought eachother. I don't know how he hid it but he bought me lots of stuff and I felt bad because I didn't like for him to spend money on me. I did buy him a lot of things but I felt like owed it to him because he has been taking care of me. I also bought Mina some toys and clothes and he did the same. We had spent our first Christmas together like a little family.

After that we took most of our things to the car because we didn't feel comfortable leaving new things in a hotel. We got to my family's house fairly quick and I was excited to see my mom, dad, and sister again. Adan again bought in the presents he bought my family and I carried in Mina. Of course my mom got Mina as I came in but she was excited to see all of us.

They opened their presents from Adan and everybody got something amazing. He got my dad and signed basketball from Michael Jordan he had ordered. He got my mom an unlimited card for beauty supplies from the best beauty supply store here and some more things he heard she had liked. He got Kaitlyn a play kitchen and a iPad. He got Kaleb something even though he had spent a lot of money of him when he was with us at school.

"Oh Adan honey this probably all costed a fortune. We can't take these things." my mom said as she gestured to the iPad and the basketball. Adan shook his head and waved her off.

"Christmas is for giving and if I have it I will give it to you guys." he laughed and sat back. My mom didn't say anything and just messed with the things in her bag. My dad went upstairs and came down with a big box. "This is for Mimi. We just thought you could use some of these things." my dad said putting a huge box in front me and Adan. "Thank you." Adan said taking off the wrap.

The box had a walker, a doorway swing, and a play pin in it. "You guys really shouldn't have." Adan said looking at all the things that came with it. My mom shrugged her shoulders and glanced at Mina "You two are family now." she said looking at me as if she was trying to get to something. I ignored it and went on my phone.

Dinner was nice. We all talked and it was like we all could talk for hours. We talked about Kaleb's stay with us and what we did and then Kaitlyn got the great idea to want to come next time. I stood my ground and said she was too young but of course Adan went to soft on me and told her she could come.

After dinner we all just sat in the living room and talked again. We talked about what we were doing for new years and that we might come down here to visit but we most likely would just spend it alone.

After we got done talking my mom was the last downstairs so she was talking our heads off by the time we got to the porch. I just nodded my head to get out of the conversation. She was finally done with her little love and family speech she gave us. We said our goodbyes and went to the hotel.

It was pretty late and we did not want to drive this late so we ended up staying another night in the hotel. I kept telling Adan to let me at least pay for the last night but he wouldn't let me. After that we got into bed and did our daily talk after we just went to bed.

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