Chapter 2

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I walked up to Martin slowly not ready for this lecture I was about to get. I had gotten to my dorm room door without Martin noticing I was there until he heard the door open.

"Let me call you back" he said to whoever he was on the phone with in a rude manner. I walked into my room my roommate still hadn't come yet. The woman at the front desk told me he wouldn't be here until the next week or maybe earlier than that but I kind of wanted to know because first impressions were really important to me.

I sat on my bed and took off my shoes and put them in my shoe rack. My side of the room was very put together and clean. Just the way I liked it. I sat on my bed and looked at Martin who was sitting on the other bed looking at me surprised.

"So you just not going to acknowledge me. You can't say hello to your boyfriend." he said trying to stay calm. I knew when he was really mad and he was not at that point just yet. I knew what I said would dictate how things would go. "I am sorry." I said walking towards him. "I have a major headache and just want to crawl up in a ball and sleep." I said as I sat next to him.

"You should be. You went to that party and I said not to. Now look at you. You look a mess. You didn't come to your dorm and didn't answer your phone. What is wrong with you?" he yelled standing up infront of me.

I sat there quietly. I had no emotion I was tired. I usually could deal with his lectures and his rudeness. But today I couldn't I could not deal with him yelling at me. I sat there for a moment and thought about what I should say. I opened my mouth to say something but before I knew it he interrupted me and began to yell. "And then you didn't even tell me who you were with. I am so pissed right now." he threw his phone at the wall and it fell onto my bed.

I jumped but sat there scared. Yes Martin had put his hands on me before but he promised he wouldn't do it again so I just sat there to make sure I did not make him even more upset and make matters worse .

"Speak!" he yelled. I looked at him. "I was with a friend." I said quietly. He grabbed me I just knew he was upset. I had seen him upset before but this was one of the worse time I've seen him lash out. "Martin please your hurting my arm." I said trying to pull away. I was only 5'6 and Martin was 5'11 so yea it was hard to try to get out of his grip.

He let go of me and pushed me onto the bed. "What friend!" he yelled. "I met him at the party." I said about to yell but I knew if I did he would just get more upset. He looked at me and came close. I backed up to the wall where the bed stopped and just looked at him. "How could you be so stupid?" he said in a calm way. "He probably just wanted to get into your pants." he said calm again.

I knew when he was calm he was furious. "I am sorry okay? I am sorry. I wasn't thinking last night. I just wanted to fit in and meet new people on campus." I admitted touching his leg softly. He didn't say anything he just  moved onto my bed. The argument was over once he got quiet like that. "I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed okay?" I said gathering my things to go to the bathroom. He nodded but didn't say anything.

I felt cold. How could I just let this man keep talking to me like this? I got into the shower and just cried. I have never seen him that angry other than the time we went to that party last year and he saw me and my ex catching up. That was the time he had hit me. I was ready to end it all. I had so many bruises the next day. I felt weak. I felt like I couldn't go on. I felt like I had became weak. The only reason why I didn't break up with Martin was because the next day he felt so bad. He had took me on a wonderful date and he had told me he would never do that again.

Yes I loved him and he knew I did. I just didn't know why he treated me the way he did. I guess I was his and his only and he didn't want anyone to take what was his. I would never know what pushed him to keep doing this to me. And I would never ask him why either.

I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. Still drained I went into the room and suddenly my whole day lit up. "Oh my god guys how did you know this was my dorm" I yelled hugging my two bestfriends. "Martin" Shayla said as she hugged me tight. See this is why I have a hard time being mad at Martin. He was mean and cruel at times but he knew how to cheer me up and make me happy.

"Have you gotten skinnier?" Michael laughed as he looked at me. "No!" I yelled laughing. "And plus it has only been a week." I said smiling. Michael and Shayla were my two bestfriends I grew up with them and we all got accepted to the same college. How great was that? "I am gonna go and settle into my place." Martin said opening the door to leave. "I am gonna call you when I am going to pick you up" he said as he was halfway out the door. I nodded and sat down to be with my friends.

"Burrr" Shayla said as she hugged me again. "He seemed off  when we walked in." she said looking at me concerned.

"We got into." I looked at her and rolled my eyes. Michael looked at my arm and looked at Shayla. I could tell they were thinking the same thing. "I hate when you two do that." I said getting up and looking at the both of them. "Your arm Kay. Why in the hell do you have a bruise on your damn arm?" he asked turning my arm around and examining it. I knew they didn't like Martin. And this just added onto the list. I should have put on a sweater.

"It's not that bad. And this time he had right to be mad it was my fault this time I swear." I said making sure they weren't too disappointed in me. "Plus the only thing he did was just grab my arm. You guys know I bruise easily." I said trying to explain. They didn't say anything all they did was just look at me.

"So what did you do to make him put his hands on you." Michael growled. I explained everything to them and they still didn't like the fact he put his hands on me. Shayla sighed. Her eyes started to tear up. I knew she was on her period because she was very emotional when she was on her period. "Aww ShayShay please don't cry I am fine." I said hugging her.

She wiped her tears and hugged me back. "I am not crying because you are hurt. I am crying because I couldn't beat his ass." she said sniffling. Michael and I both laughed.

"Shayla you are 4'9. What can you do?" Michael said laughing. "A lot!" she said pouting. We all laughed again and talked for another hour or two. We went out to eat and just enjoyed the rest of the day. I needed this.

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