Chapter 34

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"Come on Kace!" I hated having to yell at Kace but he was horrible when it came to getting places on time. Now me on the other hand I was always on time. "Hold your damn horses." he yelled back. "It's your daughter's fault she puked all over me and I had to change." he continued.

"Well I mean she is your responsibility too and it was your fault you were playing with her after she just had yogurt. So don't just blame my little sweetpea." I laughed giving him a kiss. "You reek of baby vomit." I said pinching my nose knowing he was about to freak out. "Oh my god really? I can't go. I am known for smelling good. Go without me. It's fine." he rambled on.

"Babe I'm just joking can we go now please?" I said hugging him and putting my hands on his ass. "We are not going to be leaving anytime soon if you keep touching me like that. I am ready though and you have to get the puke monster." he said kissing me. I laughed and got Jimina and went to the car. Of course he was last to the car because "his shoes wouldn't let him walk right." the fucking lies. I knew that was code for 'I changed my shoes last minute but I still didn't know what shoes to wear'.

We were finally on the way to meet our families. My mom was in town and we decided our families should meet.

"I'm tired already." Kace whined. "Are you pregnant?" I laughed. He has been really tired lately and been eating weird things but also that's just Kace. He will try any and everything but he just wouldn't eat a onion.

"Maybe." he laughed. "But our babygirl is not ready to be a big sister." he laughed again. "Our. That has a ring to it." I said putting my hand on his thigh. "Baby I call her my daughter all the time." Kace said as he rubbed my hand.

"I know it's just something about you saying it today." I laughed. "Maybe because we are both very horny right now. I can literally see your bulge through your pants." he said holding my hand now. He was right. I don't know why but we just had the best sex and I always wanted him right this moment. "Maybe we should just send Jimina on and we have fun." he laughed twirling his tongue around my fingertip as if it was something else. I fixed my pants and started to pull into the restaurant.

"Can't do that we are already here babe." I said laughing. He got out of the car and decided he wanted to carry Jimina this time. Luckily we beat everybody there.

It was another 5 minutes until Seb with his little family showed up. He never had really met Kace so he was nervous they had saw eachother but never talked. "What if doesn't like me and gets his men to throw me in traffic?" he asked.

That was a dumbass assumption but it was Kace so nothing was limited when it came out of his mouth. "No more crazy gang stories for you." I laughed.

Seb came in and came over to us "Whats up?" Seb said giving me a hug. "Hey Kace nice to meet you under good circumstances now." he said putting out his hand. "Nice to meet you too Sebastian." Kace literally was the only person that said his whole name. I laughed and got a glare from him. "We're going to go and sit down. Oh yea and mom is just around the corner." he said going over to where Jazmine and the twins were.

"Why'd you laugh at me?" Kace whined putting his head on my chest. "Because your the only person that calls him Sebastian and he hates it." I laughed playing with him. "Really? Oh my god I really am going to be thrown into busy traffic now." he said dropping his head on my chest again but now harder.

After a while Kace's family showed up and then my mom. We were all ready to start eating and talking. My mom and Kace's mom got along pretty well and just talked about Jimina for some damn reason. Seb and Kace's dad talked which I did not see coming.

Kaleb just stayed on his phone and the twins tried to make a attempt to talk to Kaitlyn but she was really shy. She did start talking to them after awhile though.

"This is going well. I'm glad everybody gets along." Kace said grabbing my hand. I nodded my head and just took in all the good energy. "Can we get Mimi down here?" I heard my mom ask laughing with Lynn they were really hitting it off. I tried to get her from Kace which was not easy she almost had a whole meltdown. "I'll take her to them baby." he laughed getting up and walking down to them.

He tried to give her to my mom first and she would not go and then he tried to give her to Lynn and she wouldn't go so he just stood there as they played with her in his arms. "Y'all done made this baby so spoiled." Lynn laughed as Kace walked back to his seat. "That's not my doing. It's him every time she makes a little sound he's up to go get her." I said laughing and looking at Kace. He shrugged his shoulders and just played with the laughing baby on his lap.

Dinner went well we all talked and laughed. We made plans to do it again soon. This was becoming a little mixed family faster than I thought and I liked it.

"Get out of the car." I said sternly trying not to laugh at Kace. "But babe my legs are jello I can't walk." he whined. "Well since you can't walk there is no need for any sex tonight then. Damn I was really looking forward to it." I said shrugging my shoulders and opening Jimina's door. "I'm up. Let's go!" He said almost flying out of the car and up the steps.

I got Jimina in bed and went into the room and Kace was in our bathroom. "I really need to take a shower." he said going into the shower slowly and looking me up and down. He closed the door to the shower and I quickly took off all my clothes. The steam from the shower had covered the glass. When I opened the door he attacked me with kisses.

I kissed him back and it went on from there. "I love you." he moaned while I kissed his neck. "I love you too." I replied going lower.


After a great couple rounds we finally made it to bed. I really want to have this every single night I go to sleep for the rest of my life.

"I'm going to marry you one day." I whispered to the sleeping Kace on top of my chest. That was a fact my life has been so much better since he has came into it and I wanted it to be like that all the time.
"I'm going to marry you one day." Adan whispered. I was half asleep on his chest when I heard those words I could explode. I wanted to marry him some day soon too. I just smiled and went to sleep peacefully. I could go to sleep like this forever.

I just want to live happily ever after with my little family.

The End.

Hey guys it's me the author of this book. This is my first book so I would love some feedback from it and more. I will be writing a continuation of this story soon. Tell me how you guys felt about this story and more. Bye guys thanks for the support. You will be seeing more of me very soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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