Chapter 23

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Seb and I had walked to my dad's room. I knew we were far away from Kace and Jazmine because their laughter had became very quiet and I couldn't hear it anymore. That meant we were getting closer to his room then. We had arrived to his room the blinds were closed and all you could see was the tv playing. "I will wait right here for you. He should be up." Seb told me opening the door. I walked into the room and there he was. He was much smaller since the last time I had seen him. He was pale but he always had looked like that and his eye lids were a purplish red.

"Hey Marco." I finally said as he looked at me. It took him awhile to speak "Adan. My boy how have you been?" he said sitting up trying to get a good look at me. "Fine." I quickly said. "That's good. I was starting to think that you weren't going to come see me." he laughed pointing for me to sit in the chair. I sat down awhile after he pointed. "So where's my granddaughter?" he asked. I expected that to be the last thing to come out of his mouth. "How did you kno-" "You didn't think I knew I had another grandchild." he cut me off.

"Your mother told me. She told me last week when she came to visit me." I just looked at him. Mom was in town and nobody told me? Why the fuck would nobody tell me? "So you got yourself a little family huh?" he smiled. I hate when he smiles it's just looks evil. It made me sick when he smiled because that's smile he had when he saw those people beating the shit out of me.

I nodded my head and fiddled with my fingers. "So why didn't you bring those 2 beautiful girls in with you?" he asked trying to look out of his blinds from his bed to see if anyone was out there.

"Two?" I asked confused. "Your girlfriend and my granddaughter." he said looking at me with narrow eyes. "I'm not with her mom." I said defensively. "So how in the hell do you have a family then? It's not a family if it's just you and her now is it?" he said aggressively. I shook my head no. "It's not just me and her." I said knowing this was all about to blow up. He tilted his head at me as if he was asking a question. "It's me, my boyfriend and her." I explained with a smug look. "Your still-" he could barely yell. "Your still a fucking fag!" he managed to yell.

Seb had heard him yell and came in the room and shut the door. I stood up "No I'm not I just like ass and dick." I laughed. "I should fucking kill you right now! Coming in here and being so proud of yourself for being a homo!" he yelled again this time out of breath.

"Calm down dad." Seb said looking at his machine blood pressure numbers going up. "No let him get all rowled up and die right here right now." I said. "It's not like he was any good in our lives anyways!" I yelled to Seb. "I'm gonna have my people kill you in cold blood you bastard. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are going to hell." he said out of breath. His machine was beeping rapidly after he said that. Nurses and doctors rushed in and ushered Seb and I out of the room. I waited for Seb as he kept asking the doctors questions but they just closed the door in his face.

"What the fuck was that. You couldn't just be cool. The man is on his death bed and here you two are arguing." Seb said about to tear up. "Did you deadass not hear anything he just said to me? He said he wanted to kill me Seb. But it's all on me huh? You know what I'm sick of this shit. It's always on me." I yelled at him. I started walking down the hall towards to where the waiting room was. Seb stopped me and gave me a hug "I'm sorry man. I'm sorry. He was always so cruel to you and I did nothing." My big brother was crying in my arms.

We stopped there for a minute to get ourselves together. After we walked to the waiting room. We told them that his monitor had started beeping and the doctors were working on him.My mom was there. I hugged her and then sat down beside Kace. "I love him." she whispered in my ear while pointing to Kace.

He didn't notice because he was talking to Jazmine. I stood up about to go when suddenly a doctor came in. I sat back down because I didn't want to be rude. Seb had walked to the doctor. "He had a heart attack." the doctor slowly said looking at Seb then all of us. "So what can you do to help that?" Seb said quickly. "He's gone. He put too much stress on his body. With the bullet wounds and now a heart attack he was just not healthy at all. The heart attack is what effected him the worse because he didn't have much blood in his system. I am so sorry." She said leaving the room slowly.

I was numb. I caused my father's death. I wished it upon him. Seb broke down immediately. Jazmine comforted him because she knew he cared for our dad. Kace automatically came to me but I kind of just waved him off. He went to my mom that was crying badly. I caused her pain. I did this. I got up and went to my mom and hugged her. My eyes had started to water and that's when I told her "It's my fault mama. It's all my fault. I'm the one that caused you this pain."

She looked at me and cupped my face in her hands. She looked me in my eyes and led me out of the waiting room. "Mijo what do you mean?" she asked me looking me in the eyes. "We got into an argument and he said he was going to kill me. I knew he had gotten upset and I didn't care. Seb told him to chill out and he didn't stop he kept arguing with me. And then I told Seb to let him argue with me so he can die slow."

She took a minute and hugged me tightly "Oh Mijo don't blame yourself because he got upset and couldn't control his anger. Why were you two arguing anyways? I know you two haven't spoke in awhile so why?" she asked. "Kace. He asked me where Mina and her mother was and I told him she was not in our lives and he asked me how I had a family and I told him." I explained to her.

"Mijo his foolish behavior got him where he is now and it's not your fault. God doesn't like ugly and in that very situation he kind of proved that." she said as she giggled a little. "Mami don't laugh." I said smiling . "Let's go back mijo and don't look so happy." she laughed as she pinched my cheek bone. We started walking back to the room but she grabbed my arm.

"Mimi really loves Kace. She called him Dada today and I could tell he was really surprised and loved it. Adan this one is good and he loves your daughter and you very much. That's all he could talk about when you guys left." she told me. We finally walked back to the waiting room and Kaleb was gone. Jimina was also gone.

"Where did they go?" I asked Kace sitting back beside him. "He took her to the vending machine." he replied. I nodded my head and sat back in my chair and got on my phone. After a while Kaleb had walked back in with Mina complaining "Let that go please Mimi that was not for you." she had a little debbie cake in her hand and she was devouring it. We all laughed and he quickly gave Kace Mina and sat down. "She ate my cake that I had a inch away from my mouth." he said putting back in his air pods.

It was getting kind of late and we had to check in our hotel at a certain time so we left the hospital. After we left the hospital we went to Kace's place to go get his and Kaleb's things and then we went to mine and I got what I needed for me and Mina and we were on our way to Kace's house.

It wasn't a long drive at all now that I knew where it was. We dropped Kaleb at home and helped him with all his stuff. Kace's parents were sleep and so was his little sister so we made sure we were quiet and went on about our night. We checked into the hotel and took our showers. I gave Mina a bath and after that she fell right to sleep. I felt obligated to tell Kace what happened at the hotel and why I was so upset because I damn sure didn't care about his death.

Like always he comforted me and told me exactly what my mom had told me. After we just cuddled with Mina in between us. I told him that I knew Mina called him dada today and that I was fine with it because she is a baby. He thought I was going to say I didn't want her calling him that because we never know what is forever but I mean I honestly liked it.

This was my little family and I was very proud of it and I would not change it for the world.

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