Chapter 28

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It was 6 am in the morning and I was around the corner from the house I knew Camilla was staying in. Seb's men had been there all night getting ready for this. They knew Jimina was in there because they had seen her go in and out of the house with a baby. I was just waiting for them to give me the signal.

After about 10 minutes had passed I finally gotten the signal. I grabbed the gun in my glove department and walked towards the house slowly. Some of Seb's men were going through the front and some were going through the back. We had the place surrounded. I heard crying I knew it was Jimina and I knew she had been crying for a long time because her little voice sounded horse.

I followed the crying and went into the room. There was my baby and they had her in a room by herself crying and wet. I was pissed off. After I got Jimina and got her out the house safely I gave them the signal to rush into the house. They brung out 3 people Camilla, her husband and her sister. "Bring her to me. I will handle this on my own." I said to one of the men that had dragged her out of the house.

We drove to Seb's place and he dealt with the other 2 that helped her. I gave Jimina to Seb and they left me downstairs with Camilla. "Please Adan don't do anything you will regret. Please." she pleaded.

"You fucking tried to take my daughter away from me. I should just kill you right now but you know I don't even roll like that." I said walking toward her. "Please don't be like Marco." She yelled.

That name. That name triggered something inside of me. "Don't you ever say his name to me better yet don't you ever compare him to me." I kicked the chair watching her fall back. "You let my daughter stay in a room and cry you piece of shit." I explained while walking toward the door.

"Whatever they do to deserve times ten." I walked out of the room and heard her yell for me.

Getting Jimina could have been a lot harder but it wasn't and I had my brother to thank for that. I left Seb's house because I didn't like feeling like I was apart of the gang. I never liked having a gun in my hand and aiming it for someone or being ready to aim it at someone so today was a lot for me.

When I got home Kace was on the couch waiting for me to get back. When I walked into the house his knee was jumping and his hands were covering his face. I could tell he had been crying as soon as he looked up but he smiled at me as soon as he noticed Jimina was with me.

"Lord you are not going anywhere anytime soon." Kace said practically yanking her out of my hands. He sat on the couch with her standing up on his legs and just hugged her.

After that Kace gave her a bath because he said he wanted to 'Get the stench of that hell off of her.'  I just looked at my phone until they came back. In all honesty I was looking for a call from Seb that Camilla was took care of. I didn't like dealing with these kind of things but this time whatever Seb found fit for her is what I agreed with.

I got a call from Seb as Kace came in. "It's done." Seb mumbled. "What exactly?" I asked trying not to say too much in front of Kace. "Well you know I have some connections down at the state's Mental Hospital so they are going to take a good care of her down there." he laughed. I knew what he meant by good. "Okay good nothing too bad?" I asked. "Nah nah. Just paying for to get a couple ass whoopings in there. Oh and yea for them to give her as much drugs as she wants. You know what that will cause." he told me.

I didn't know if I was really for that but I just agreed with what my brother had planned. We talked for a little bit and then hung up.

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