Ughh teenagers

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Wassup my children! I know that I haven't been writing as much. I don't  have any excuses. Ive just been lazy :) I thought this chapter would be funny and relatable so enjoy! :3

No ones POV

Midas was working on his computer all day (As usual). He was working for 5 hours straight. He knew he  shouldn't take a break. But a 10 minute break wouldn't hurt right? He got up and walked out his office door. He headed towards the kitchen to get a beverage. And to hopefully see his sweet kitty. He walked through the door to see all the Agents... except Skye. 

Everyone's heads turned just to see the tall toothpick boss. "Wassup M!" Tina greeted the twig. "Hey Tina!" Midas waved. He looked around the room to try and find Skye. "Hey were did Skye go?" Midas asked all the Agents. "I dunno." Tina said while looking down on her phone. "I haven't seen her all day." Meowscles added to Tina's comment.

"I'm pretty sure she's in her room." Maya took a sip out of her cup after she said that. "Ill go see..." Midas walked out of the room and towards Skye's room. *knock knock* "who is it?" Midas heard from the other side of the door. "It's me Midas." "What do you want?" Skye asked with a stuffy nose. "Are you alright?" Midas ignored the question. 

"I'm fine just leave me alone..." Skye held back tears. "Let me in please." Midas sounded a bit concerned. "I said leave me alone!" Skye repeated but with anger in her voice. Midas sighed. "At least open the door." Skye opened the door. But instead of revealing her face she threw a hair brush towards Midas's face. She slammed the door closed and locked it. 

"What the hell Skye?!" Midas yelled. "Get out here right now!" "Fuck off!" Skye yelled back. "Hey! Watch your language young lady!" "Suck my fucking dick!" After Skye yelled that Midas kicked the door in hopes to open it. Midas failed.  Midas knew he couldn't force Skye to come out. Midas sighed. "Teenagers..." Midas muttered.

Tina was on her phone when she walked passed Midas who was clearly stressed. She didn't bother to look up from the screen. "H- hey Tina..." Midas stuttered. The girl looked up from her phone. "What's up?" She asked. "Do you know what's wrong with Skye?" Midas asked in a low tone so Skye couldn't hear from the other side of the door. "I dunno she's probably on her period." Tina said while looking down on her screen.

"Can you just see what's up... she wont let me talk to her." Midas seemed despite. "Sure." Tina knocked on the door. *knock knock* "You should probably go." Tina whispered. Midas nodded his head and walked off to his office. "I said fuck off Midas!" Skye yelled. "It's Tina." Skye opened the door to see Tina standing there with a phone with a red case with the words "BOOM" on it. Skye broke out in tears.

Tina hugged the smaller girl. "What's wrong?" Tina asked. "I- I don't know! I don't know what's wrong with me today! I snapped at Midas! I don't normally do that..." Skye sounded more sad on the last part. "Darling..." Tina pulled away. "Your a teenager. It's normal to feel this. Especially Yelling at your parents." Midas wasn't Skye's dad. Although he was a father figure towards  Skye. Since Skye's actual dad left to get the milk 8 years ago (I'm trying to make this part funny ok!) 

"Ive been crying all day for no reason." Skye said after Tina. "Lemme guess. Your on your period?" Tina said trying not to offend Skye (lemme tell you. Whatever you do DO NOT ASK A GIRL IF SHES ON HER PERIOD. Your more than likely not going to live to see another day after that. Anyways). "Yes..." Skye broke out into tears. "You poor thing. Let's go downstairs and give Midas a little piece of our minds." Skye didn't bother to think of the word 'our'. She thought that was a good idea. 

They both walked downstairs. At that time it was dinner time. They walked over towards the dinning room. Both of them sat at the middle of the table together. "Oh hi Skye!" Meowscles greeted. Skye didn't respond. 'She's probably having a bad day...' Meowscles thought. 'Maybe after dinner Minecraft would cheer her up.' That night they were having spaghetti. Why spaghetti? Because i said so. Fight me. 

Henchmen came out with plates. Everyone was seated. The plates of food were handed out to the agents. "Well i see someone finally came out of her room." Midas says while eyeing Skye. "How DARE that slut say something like that!" Tina says with a low voice so only Skye could hear. "I say throw a fork right at his little fucking mister perfect face." Without Skye thinking she threw a fork at Midas. But she didn't have time to aim so she missed him. The fork stuck to the wall. 

"What the fuck Skye!?" Midas yelled. "Oh damn..." Meowscles said scared. "Rage" Tina whispers with a smirk. Skye threw a knife at Meowscles. Again she missed. She got up and ran to her room. "Tina!!" Maya yelled at her. "Why would you tell her to do that!?" Maya had a face of 'wtf?!'. "Hey sometimes you just got to let it all out." Tina shrugged. "Oh my fucking God! There's more than  throwing sharp objects at people to let it out." Maya yelled.

"It's either yelling and throwing or master-baiting to porn. Pick your poison." Tina said while playing with her food with a fork that she is NOT going to use to hit someone. "I pick nether!" Maya argued. "She's going to hit people first and than after she stabs someone she's going to jerk off to BBC." Tina argued back at her. "Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?!" Peely got into the conversation holding up a fork with lettuce on the end. "Fuck off you weren't apart of this!" Tina and Maya yelled at the same time. 

"And no 14 year old should be watching porn!" Maya got back into the argument. "Hey! NEVER get in between a teenager and there hormones ok? I learned that the hard way." "Eww... I don't even wanna ask." Maya looked disgusted. "That's right. It was a dark day in hell..." Tina got flashbacks. She snapped out of it. "What the fuck is going on in this Agency today..." Midas asked. Brutus was trying not to laugh too hard.

(A/N: Hello ladies, gentlemen, attack helicopters! We don't discriminate in this household. This chapter was heavily themed by my favorite Movie "Big Mouth". What would i be doing  with my life if I didn't have a chapter around Skye? I for some reason thought that Tina would be a great hormone monster. And she kinda was. Anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed!) 

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